DEEDS CALENDAR: Nacht in Deutschland. Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand. Werke aus der Sammlung Gerhard Schneider – Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg | until 11.08.2024
Die Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg gedenkt des deutschen Widerstands mit selten gezeigten Zeugnissen aus der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in der The Neuhardenberg Castle Foundation commemorates the German resistance with rarely shown testimonies from the National Socialist era in the special exhibition Night in Germany. Persecution – Destruction – Resistance, which opens on 20 July 2024, as well as various events as part of the exhibition. Over decades, the collector Gerhard Schneider has amassed drawings, paintings and prints from the years 1933 to 1945 that tell of destruction, fear, persecution, but also of resistance. These are works that were created in secret and whose discovery could have meant a death sentence for their creators due to their political explosiveness. Hidden, sometimes buried, the works survived the years of the Nazi regime. Particularly impressive is a previously unpublished collection of drawings by the artist Ernst Kaufmann from the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Alongside many others, Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenberg (1891 – 1958) also played a key role in the resistance campaign against the Nazi dictatorship. Neuhardenberg Castle was the scene of preparations for the attempted coup. Those involved in the resistance met here to plan the reorganisation of the state for the period after the Hitler regime
Programme on Saturday 20 July 2024:
at 2 pm: Schinkel-Kirche – Memorial service organised by the Protestant parish of Neuhardenberg, Sermon: Prof. Dr. Notger Slenczka, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Management: Pfarrer Thomas Krüger, Neuhardenberg. Free admission.
at 3 pm: Orangerie – Exhibition opening: Nacht in Deutschland. Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand, Werke aus der Sammlung Gerhard Schneider. The exhibition Nacht in Deutschland is supported by Ostdeutsche Sparkasseenstriftung together with Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland. Free admission.
Schlosspark – Inauguration of the memorial to Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenberg and the German resistance Against the tide. Free admission.
at 6 pm: Großer Saal – Reading, Die verbrannten Dichter Texts from the anthology of the same name by Jürgen Serke read by Nicole Heesters and Gerd Wameling
Opening hours:
Wed – Sat, Public holidays 11 am until 6 pm
Exhibition period:
Saturday, 20. July until Sunday, 11. August 2024
Schloss Neuhardenberg
15320 Neuhardenberg
free admission to Schinkel-Kirche, Orangerie and Großer Saal
Regular: 20 €
Reduced: 16 €
Ticket service on 033476-600-750 (daily 10 am – 6 pm) or at schlossneuhardenberg.de
Image above: Sammlung Gerhard Schneider in der Bürgerstiftung für verfolgte Künste / Zentrum für verfolgte Künste, Solingen. Georg Netzband: Der Abgrund, 1935