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July 2024

Gabrielle Kruger – Wind swept paint – EIGEN + ART Lab | 04.07.-24.08.2024

EIGEN + ART Lab shows from 4th July 2024 the exhibition “wind swept paint” with artworks by the artist Gabrielle Kruger in Berlin. Layer by layer, the viewer is drawn into the depths of Gabrielle Krüger’s exploration of colour, which is of central importance to her artistic process. In a process developed by the artist herself, […]
04 Jul - 24 Aug
18:00 - 21:00
Berlin DE

DEEDS CALENDAR: Joannis Avramidis: Parallel Skulptur Park – Villa Toscana Gmuden | until 31.08.2024

Galerie Crone is taking part in the “Parallel Sculpture Park 2024” at Villa Toscana in Gmunden, where it is showing works by the Austrian sculptor Joannis Avramidis. The open-air exhibition on the shores of Lake Traun includes over 40 national and international positions and runs concurrently with the Gmunden Photo festival and the Salzkammergut Festwochen. WHEN? Exhibition dates: […]
27 Jul
8:00 - 16:30

DEEDS CALENDAR: Extended opening hours: Caspar David Friedrich – Infinite Landscapes – Alte Nationalgalerie | until 04.08.2024

Already more than 200,000 visitors to Caspar David Friedrich – further extended opening hours for the exhibition finale. More than 200,000 visitors have already seen the special exhibition “Caspar David Friedrich. Infinite Landscapes” at the Alte Nationalgalerie on Museum Island Berlin, which has been running since 19 April 2024. Opening hours will be extended again in the […]
27 Jul
9:00 - 20:00
Berlin DE

DEEDS CALENDAR: Summer on the Museum Island – Museum Island | until 01.09.2024

During the summer holidays, the National Museums in Berlin are offering a varied programme for families, young people and adults on Museum Island Berlin. In addition to extended opening hours at the Neues Museum, the James-Simon-Galerie and the Alte Nationalgalerie, there will be an extensive range of workshops on the entire Museum Island and at […]
27 Jul
9:00 - 16:00
Berlin DE
DEEDS.NEWS - Tarek Atoui - Guggenheim Museum (New York, USA) - (c) Enid Alvarez

DEEDS CALENDAR: Tarek Atoui: the Shore / a place I’d like to be – S.M.A.K. | until 25.08.2024

S.M.A.K. Ghent in currently showing the exhibition the Shore / a place I’d like to be by the artist Tarek Atoui. Sound lies at the heart of the artistic practice of Tarek Atoui (b. 1980, Beirut, Lebanon). As an electro-acoustic composer and artist, Atoui is known for creating sonic-sculptural landscapes inspired by sound as well […]
27 Jul
9:30 - 17:30
DEEDS NEWS - Berlinische Galerie Bureau-N Something Fantastic ICCC 2014

Suddenly Wonderful. Ideas for the Future of Large West Berlin Buildings of the 1970s | Berlinische Galerie

From 25 May 2023, the Berlinische Galerie will be showing the exhibition “Suddenly Wonderful. Ideas for the Future for Large West Berlin Buildings of the 1970s. The exhibition presents large buildings in West Berlin – symbols of the belief in progress of the time. Today, these buildings are mostly threatened with demolition. The idea of […]
27 Jul
10:00 - 18:00
Berlin DE
DEEDS NEWS - ZEITENWENDE Kunst und Gesellschaft - Jeanne Fredac - Nature-aidset-min

ZEITENWENDE – Kunst und Gesellschaft. ÜBERSCHAU #09 | CSR Contemporary Show Room

“ZEITENWENDE – Kunst und Gesellschaft” (Turning Point – Art and Society) is the theme of the major exhibition project starting at the CSR.ART Contemporary Show Room. Beginning on 27 April 2023, Part 1 will present an initial selection of artworks of various genres, created by 50 international artists from 15 countries, on the social, cultural […]
27 Jul
10:00 - 18:00
Berlin DE
DEEDS NEWS - Courtesy of Kupferstichkabinett - Albrecht Dürer, Nemesis (Das große Glück), 1501, Kupferstich, deckend bemalt, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Dietmar Katz

Dürer for Berlin. A search for clues in the Kupferstichkabinett – Kulturforum

From 12 May 2023, the Kulturforum will be showing the exhibition “Dürer for Berlin. A Search for Traces in the Museum of Prints and Drawings” of the artist Albrecht Dürer. The Berlin Kupferstichkabinett owns one of the world’s most important collections of Albrecht Dürer’s hand drawings and prints. With the help of around 130 masterpieces, […]
27 Jul
10:00 - 18:00
Berlin DE

DAS MINSK: WERK STATT SAMMLUNG. Artworks from the Hasso Plattner Collection Guest: Wilhelm Klotzek

In Summer 2023, DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam will show a selection of works from the Hasso Plattner Collection from the period after 1945 in the exhibition WERK STATT SAMMLUNG (meaning both Work Instead of a Collection and Workshop Collection) and simultaneously invites the artist Wilhelm Klotzek (b. 1980, East Berlin) to selectively interact with the exhibition with his own […]
27 Jul
10:00 - 19:00
DEEDS NEWS - Courtesy of Alte Nationalgalerie - Caspar David Friedrich, Mondaufgang am Meer, 1822 Öl auf Leinwand, 55 x 71 cm Fotograf Jörg P. Anders

Caspar David Friedrich – The Rediscovery | Alte Nationalgalerie

Alte Nationalgalerie announces the exhibition The Rediscovery of the Artist Caspar David Friedrich for April 2024. On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Caspar David Friedrich’s birth, the Alte Nationalgalerie, in cooperation with the Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, will for the first time present a major exhibition on the work of the […]
27 Jul
10:00 - 18:00
Berlin DE
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