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Call for applications for the KVOST Scholarship & Claus Michaletz Prize 2025

The Kunstverein Ost is announcing this year's KVOST Stipendium, which is awarded in combination with the Claus Michaletz Preis since 2022. The 10,000 Euros prize is...

States of Rebirth: Body Images in Motion – PHOXXI. Haus der Photographie Temporär der Deichtorhallen Hamburg | 21.02.-17.08.2025

"States of Rebirth" at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg sheds light on the relationships between the body, movement and social structures in physical and digital spaces....

Before The Wind. The last song of the siren – Diözesanmuseum Paderborn | 28.03.-21.09.2025

Light breezes, fast gusts, roaring storms - from 28. March 2025, the new exhibition at the Diözesanmuseum Paderborn will be all about the wind....

Kandinsky’s Universe: Geometric Abstraction in the 20th Century – Museum Barberini | 15.02.-18.05.2025

From 15. February to 18. May 2025, the Museum Barberini is presenting the exhibition "Kosmos Kandinsky. Geometric Abstraction in the 20th Century". The exhibition...

Caught in a Landslide – KINDL Centre for Contemporary Art | 02.03.-06.07.2025

With the exhibition Caught in a Landslide, n.b.k. and KINDL at Maschinenhaus M2 will present current works by international artists living in Berlin who...

Hidden Realities. Collective Artistic Explorations – Spreepark Art Space (Eierhäuschen + Spreepark) | 16.03.-15.06.2025

From 16 March to 15 June, Spreepark Art Space presents the exhibition Hidden Realities. Collective Artistic Explorations in the historic Eierhäuschen. The exhibition showcases...

Thomas Billhardt 1937-2025

It was announced today that the well-known photographer Thomas Billhardt passed away on 23 January 2025. We are publishing the personal obituary of the Berlin...

Crossroads# Literature meets Art – Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart | 20.02.2025

Hamburger Bahnhof is expanding its free programme in collaboration with Literaturhaus Berlin with the event series "Crossroads# Literature meets Art", kicking off on 20...

Aline Schwibbe: Now It’s Dark – EIGEN + ART Lab | 24.01.-01.03.2025

EIGEN + ART Lab presents on the 24th January the exhibition "Now It's Dark" with works by the artist Aline Schwibbe. Image above: Joining The...

Bethan Hughes & Dominique Hurth: To want the world in a glass hat – Neun Kelche | 13.12.2024-02.03.2025

Neun Kelche presents from the 13th December 2024 the duo-exhibition To want the world in a glass hat with works by the artists: Bethan...

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