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Monday, September 16, 2024

Linking Matter with Image and Space | Cluster of Excellence at the Academy of Fine Arts

Editors’ Choice

After the successful participation in the cluster “Bild Wissen Gestaltung” 2012-2017, the weissensee kunsthochschule berlin is also part of the new cluster “Matters of Activity. Image Space Material” of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as one of eight participating institutions.

Image above: Matters of Activity & Kerstin Kühl

This new cluster, which has now been approved as part of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder, aims to create the basis for a new culture of materials.

Design strategies for materials and structures that adapt to specific requirements and environments are systematically investigated in more than 40 disciplines. The cluster focuses on a new role of design, which is emerging against the background of a growing wealth and the continuous further development of materials and visualization forms in all disciplines.

“Even though the underlying idea of active matter is not new in itself, the approach pursued here, developed jointly from the cultural and natural sciences, is decidedly original – on the one hand in the linking of matter with image and space, and on the other in the central role of design.”

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

In order to dovetail the issues of the cluster with teaching in the design disciplines, three additional design professorships will be established in addition to Prof. Christiane Sauer and Prof. Carola Zwick as Principal Investigators. The topics of the new cluster, which develop along the cultural techniques of weaving, filtering and cutting, can thus be interlinked with applied research in Weißensee.


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