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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Drag-on. A weekend dedicated to the Chinese New Year – Gallery Z22 | 09.02.-11.02.2024

Editors’ Choice

Galerie Z22 invites you to a whole weekend, from Friday 9 February to Sunday 11 February 2024, to celebrate Chinese New Year at Galerie Z22. 20 international artists have been invited by Galerie Z22 to a public “Gathering” with visual, performative, musical or experimental contributions.

Image above: courtesy Galerie Z22, Kai Teichert

In February, the New Year of the Dragon is celebrated in the Far East. To mark the occasion, Galerie Z22 is organising a pop-up event for the Year of the Dragon on 9, 10 and 11 February. The two large rooms of the gallery will be empty and open to new ideas. Around 20 international artists have been invited to a public “Gathering” with artistic, performative, musical or experimental contributions. Visitors are welcome to accompany the creative exchange and the joint exploration of the most diverse creative approaches in the gallery.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of Galerie Z22 - Kai Teichert - 2
Kai Teichert

Kai Teichert will then dedicate his upcoming solo exhibition HILLE&HÖMMEL – ANIMAL FARM to the zodiac signs of the Asian horoscope. After the DRAG-ON! event, Kai Teichert will use the rooms of Galerie Z22 as an “open studio” until 16 March.


Friday, 9 February 17-24 hrs

Collaborative design of the gallery spaces with the public, Cheering New Moon. Cheering the DRAGON. exhibition + performance programme
7 pm Greetings from Frank Massholder

Saturday, 10 February 12-20 hrs
exhibition + performance program

Sunday, 11 February 12-18 hrs
exhibition + performance program with music by Zam Johnson

Please ask for details in the gallery.

Danielle Benvenuto | James Edmonds | Petra Graf |Lan Hungh | Dai Jianyong  | Zam Johnson | Shi Jun | Frank Massholder | Thomas Mayer | Nicky Miller  | Xiaoer Liu | Sandra Ratkovic | Henrik Schrat | Wilfried Schwerin von Krosigk | Imix – Emiliano Soraire | Kai Teichert | Svenja Teichert | TITS The Artist   | Roberto Uribe Castro | Effie Wu | Jiaying Wu  | Danyang Zhao | Magdalena Zyskowska


dates and details see above


Galerie Z22
Zähringerstraße 22
10707 Berlin-Wilmersdorf

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