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SSC - Redaktion


11. Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art | dates and venues for epilogue

+++ UPDATE +++ Bitte informieren Sie sich hinsichtlich Terminänderungen, Verlängerungen von Veranstaltungen und Einschränkungen aufgrund der aktuellen Situation bitte auf der Webseite des Veranstalters...

POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair 2020

The POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair has announced this year's event period. The seventh POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair will take place again from September 10th...

DISAPPEARING BERLIN | Si Di Kubi 2.0 | Clärchens Ballhaus – Spiegelsaal | 31.01.2020

Clärchen's Ballhaus has been closed since the beginning of January. Now the doors will open once again to the public on 31.01.2020 from 20...

Numen/For Use | Breathless | Installation | aquabitArt Galerie | 01.02.-31.03.2020

From February 1st to March 31st, 2020, the Berlin aquabitArt Gallery presents the installation Breathless by the artist collective Numen/For Use. The exhibition is...

Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Annual programme 2020 with all dates

In 2020, the HKW will intensify its examination of the pressing questions of the present and their historical conditions in a multitude of programmes...

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