My undying love/Songs of grief
Berlin, 21.10.2022 – Without love, there is no mourning. Without mourning, there is no love. That is the cycle – the cycle of life. We live, we love, we die. Death is there and is part of it. How beautiful would it be to make peace with it? Like Andreas Constantinou’s mother, who gave him a smile at the end. As a son and a lover, he went through this process with her. The love and the intimate and honest conversations he had with her before she died form the basis of the award-winning performance My undying love by HIMHERANDIT Productions, which can be experienced for the first time in Germany at Kunstquartier Bethanien from 16 to 21 December.
Image above: DEEDS NEWS – courtesy of Kunstquartier Bethanien – My undying love Song of grief – HIMHERANDIT