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Albrecht-Dürer-Haus: Remixing Schmidt New Views of Nuremberg | 15.07.-16.10.2022

Editors’ Choice

From 15 July to 16 October 2022, the Nuremberg Municipal Art Collections will present the special exhibition “Remixing Schmidt. New Views of Nuremberg” at the Stadtmuseum in the Fembo-Haus.

Image above: Georg Schmidt: Selbstporträt. Aquarell, 1919.

In the exhibition, 79 watercolours by the hitherto little-known painter Georg Schmidt (1847-1922) and 42 photographs by his famous brother Ferdinand Schmidt (1840-1909) are in dialogue with a large number of contemporary contributions from the people of Nuremberg. The individual representations of the Schmidt artist brothers are being exhibited together for the first time. The participation of the citizens gives the theme a topicality that allows us to look at and through Nuremberg from new and changed angles. The exhibition thus combines historical and contemporary views of the urban space and addresses Nuremberg’s diversity and change over time.

The watercolourist Georg Schmidt

Born into a family of artists on 17 January 1847, Georg Schmidt was taught drawing and modelling at the Nuremberg School of Arts and Crafts as a youngster. He then decided to become a sculptor. His great passion, however, was painting and drawing. Around 1890 he shifted to working as an illustrator and began to paint watercolours intensively at the age of 55. He found his motifs mainly in Nuremberg’s old town. Almost every day, he often set out at dawn to capture his home town in watercolours: from secluded corners and quiet alleys to the most famous buildings. Although his works were exhibited and also bought, he always lived in poor circumstances. He died of a heart attack on 3 October 1922. Part of his estate was donated to the Art Collections of the City of Nuremberg in 2017.

DEEDS NEWS - Albrecht Durer Haus - Georg Schmidt Himmelstor mit Sinwellturm
Georg Schmidt: Hintere Insel Schütt nach Norden. Aquarell, 8.9.1907.

Der Fotograf Ferdinand Schmidt

Ferdinand, der berühmte Bruder Georg Schmidts, wurde am 19. Juni 1840 in Nürnberg geboren. Bereits der Vater der beiden Brüder, der ebenfalls den Namen Georg trug, war professioneller Kunstmaler und interessierte sich früh für die damals noch junge Technik der Fotografie. 1846 eröffnete er sein erstes Fotoatelier, in welchem Ferdinand als Gehilfe arbeitete und die Technik erlernte. Als der Vater 1867 starb, führte Ferdinand das Geschäft alleine weiter. Als „Chronist des alten Nürnberg“ dokumentierte er den Wandel seiner Heimatstadt und hielt dabei bekannte wie unbekannte Gebäude fest – ebenso wie sein Bruder Georg. Am 22. August 1909 verstarb Ferdinand Schmidt.

DEEDS NEWS - Albrecht Durer Haus - Grundschule Insel Schütt Meine Insel Schutt
Grundschule Insel Schütt: Meine Insel Schütt. Pop-Up-Karten, 2022.

Remixing Schmid

The term “remix” originally comes from music and is the name for creating something new from existing material. It is characteristic of the remix to add components of an original, to rearrange, to put together and to create something different and unique. In this way, it essentially determines our culture.

In “Remixing Schmidt”, this concept is transferred to various artistic and cultural fields: The exhibition shows historical works as well as modern approaches to the representation of personally relevant places in the city. Based on the Schmidt brothers’ historical views of the city, Nurembergers present their present-day relationship to the places in multimedia form. The techniques are diverse: painting, photography, film, audio installation, PopUp cards, poetry and collage.

The juxtaposition of the creative reformulations and the historical artworks enables an intergenerational dialogue. Through past and present perspectives, a multidimensional journey through time emerges, characterised by devotion, friendship, community, school days and intimacy. The result is a diverse mix of old and new, high and pop culture, yesterday and today that has never been seen before in the Fembo Haus.

Friday, 15. July 2022 until Sunday, 16 October 2022

Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 39
90403 Nürnberg

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