The Schlüterhof becomes a stage in summer. As part of the gradual opening of the Humboldt Forum, the event series Durchlüften – Open Air im Schlüterhof invites all Berliners, art and music lovers to visit the central courtyard every Friday and Saturday from 6 August to 11 September. The result is a shared space where contributions by Berlin artists from the fields of pop and art avant-garde meet community projects – and events and workshops for families and young people meet an interdisciplinary music programme.
Image above: © Courtesy of the Artist, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, 2021 and Photoshop Simulation: Emiia Urbanek
Together with the Spreeterrassen and the Passage, the Schlüterhof in the Humboldt Forum forms a new urban space that is available to all visitors as a place to stay, a meeting place and a venue for events. The event series Durchlüften – Open Air im Schlüterhof turns the central courtyard into an open space: a stage programme presents concerts from the city’s diverse scene as well as talks, performances and video art. The artistic family and youth programme presents radio to participate in and stories to listen to. There will also be a pop-up architecture, a multimedia installation on the colonial history of the potato and a culinary offer.

Stage programme
Berlin-based music curator Melissa Perales (Night School, Music Pool, Berlin, Torstraßen Festival and others) invites a diverse community of musicians, artists, performers, thinkers and activists to the Schlüterhof every Friday and Saturday evening. The changing stage programme presents concert performances, complemented by DJ sets, talk formats, video art and performances. The focus is on personalities whose work is also a statement for a multi-voiced, networked idea of culture, history and identity – regardless of their musical genres or countries of origin.

Melissa Perales: “The audience is invited to join us on a journey: Over a six-week period, the programme will bring together many different talents who will claim space for critical dialogue through their music and their words, bringing forth their individual stories, asking difficult questions and giving voice to their ancestors. Our hope is that this impetus will continue beyond the summer in discussions within the spaces of the Humboldt Forum.”

Curated by Melissa Perales. With contributions from aJan | Aly Keïta | Ashraf Sharif Khan & Viktor Marek | AWA (African Women Arise) | Babylon Orchestra feat. Hani Mojtahedy | Blick Bassy | Disco Vumbi | dumama + kechou feat. OOTE | El Khat | GOTOPO | Jaqee Nakiri | Julianknxx | Jumoke Adeyanju | May the Muse | Mariama | Mehmet Aslan | Nahum | Natalie Greffel | Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin | Perera Elsewhere | RENU | Shannon Sea with Aaron Reeder | and Stella Chiweshe ++ many more.
Fridays and Saturdays, 7pm-11pm
Family and Youth Programme
Street Radio Blaster: Mobile radio community to participate in
Get a taste of podcast production and discover the hip hop subculture at rap free style jams: Young people from the age of 10 can do this in an open radio workshop, spontaneously and without any prior knowledge. A mobile “Rap & Podcast Radio Speech Corner” is being set up in the Schlüterhof, built and run by radio presenter and artist Giò di Sera. He will bring artists, friends and the street culture of the Kreuzberg association StreetUniverCity e.V. to the Schlüterhof. The results will not only be broadcast live in a listening station, but also afterwards on
By Giò di Sera & friends. From 10 years
Saturdays, 12:30 – 1:30 and 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Erzählt mir was! Geschichten erzählen im Humboldt Forum
Stories only really come alive through the people who tell them: They are about stones and stone soups, palaces and tree houses, Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt and much more. Two storytellers each prepare new stories, each in two languages, including Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and German sign language. Every Saturday, a different story is told in German and another language. Children from the age of four and their families can drop by spontaneously to listen.
Curated by Christine Lander and Ragnhild A. Mørch. From 4 years
Saturdays 11:00 – 11:30 a. m. and 2:30 – 3:00 p. m.
The pop-up architecture of the group Parasite 2.0 (Milan/London) intervenes in the historical design of the Schlüterhof: with walk-in islands that transform the courtyard into a colourful landscape. They not only invite visitors to relax and exchange ideas, they also become an interactive stage for the artistic contributions. The backdrop-like wooden elements stand for the constant development of the Humboldt Forum. At this central, public location in the middle of the Forum and in the middle of the city, they symbolically want to show the urban society the possibility of helping to shape this process. By Parasite 2.0 (Stefano Colombo, Eugenio Cosentino and Luca Marullo)
Always freely accessible
Culo de Papa
An art kiosk, a video installation and potatoes growing in the Schlüterhof: with Culo de Papa, Berlin artist Anne Duk Hee Jordan interweaves the colonial history of Prussia with personal experiences and uses the potato as an occasion to reflect on identities, transience and transformation. Jordan’s interdisciplinary approach gives materiality ever more dimensions – she builds motorised sculptures and creates edible landscapes, for example – and thus opens up a dialogue between natural phenomena, philosophy and art, as in Culo de Papa. Visitors can pick up their own personal potato experience at the kiosk.
Fridays and Saturdays, 2 – 8 p.m.
Saturday, 6th August – Sunday, 11th September 2021
Schlüterhof at Schlossplatz | 10178 Berlin-Mitte
Admission to the entire programme: free.
Partially limited capacities.
Stage programme: free admission.
Admission from 7:00 pm.
Due to limited seating and current hygiene protection measures, book your free ticket from mid-July via
Remaining tickets may be available at the box office.
One house, four players: the polyphony is already inherent in the cooperation between the partners. At the Humboldt Forum, the Humboldt Forum Foundation in the Berlin Palace, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation with the collections of the Ethnological Museum and the Museum of Asian Art of the National Museums in Berlin, the Humboldt University Berlin with the Humboldt Laboratory as well as Kulturprojekte Berlin and the Stadtmuseum Berlin with the Berlin exhibition BERLIN GLOBAL.