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tranformart 2019 | All participating artists + location overview

Editors’ Choice

Also this year transformart invites all art enthusiasts from 12 to 16 June 2019 to the premises of the former transformer factory Oberschöneweide (Rathenauhallen) to enjoy art and music for five days in the studios and spacious, impressive industrial halls there.

Abb. oben: transformart 2018, Installation by Juliane Hundertmark, Photo: Stephanie Schneider, ART at Berlin


H = Hall | G = Building | z.B: H 34.1 = Hall 34, 1st Floor.

ATTENTION: Only the buildings (G) are shown on the map above. However, you will find detailed signposting to the halls (H) and buildings (G) on the site itself. There is no hierarchical order between halls and buildings. Sorting = alphabetically by surname

transformart 2019 Artists + Location Overview

Alexandrova, Zara > H 70
Andreoni, Friedrich > H 34.1
Anton, Irene > H 70
Barth, Jutta > H 44.1
Bernardi, Barbara > (keine Halle)
Besier, Ann > H 70
Blunk, Steffen > G 59
Borck, Carsten > G 59
Borowsky, Claudia > G 59 (Künstlerinnenvorstellung unten)
Burmester, Sabine > H 44.1 – VR
Cataudella, Andrea > G 59
Cevales, Georg > H 70
Colombo, Marta > G 59
De Leliwa, Thomas > G 59
Di Stefano, Gabriele > H 44.1
Dietzel, Chris > H 70
Ebert-Krüdener, Katja > H 34.1
Edely, Anais > G 59
Elizarova, Katya > H 34.1
Faby, Sinje > G 59
Fischer, Thomas > G 59 (Künstlervorstellung unten)
Gatzke, Michael > G 59
Georgiev, Zoran > G 59
Godoy, Lupe > H 61
Groß, Stefan > H 70
Gudalo, Aleksander > H 34.1
Hammerle, Katja > H 44.1
HaPS (Schmidt), Hans-Peter > G 59
Heermann-Jensen, Ursula > G 59
Hemme, Corinna > H 70
Imwiehe, Andrea > H 34.1
JOAX Manger, Joaxhim > H 61 – VR
Johnson, Zam > H 61
Käferstein, Annelen > H 34.1
Kaletta, Laila > H 34.1
Kiewert, Hartmut > Außengelände
Koch, Michael > H 44.1
Köhne, Beate > H 61
Kostolov, Ivan > H 61
Kovar, Steven > H 44.1 – VR
Levinson, Inna > H 61 – VR
Liu, Zhiyi > H 70
Maaß, Birgit > G 59 (Künstlerinnenvorstellung unten)
Marinov, Antoanetta > H 34.1
Metzner, Christian > G 59
Moraux, Maik > H 70 – NR 1
Münnich, Anett > H 34.1
Naidyonowa, Maria > H 44.1
Nikulski, Ludwig > (keine Halle)
Otto, Michael > H 70
Phumpiú, Eriván > H 70
Piotter, Susanne > H 61
Poller, Mari > G 59
Pott-Schlager, Christiane > H 34.1
Rabe, Kirstin > G 59
Rosen, Monica von > H 70
Rottes, Gabi > H 70 – NR 2
Salentin, Katrin > G 59
Sánchez, Rubén > H 44.1
Schenke, Gabriela > H 70 – NR 1
Schlick, Jochen > H 44.1
Schröck, Agnes-Brigitte > H 61
Steinberg, Jens > H 70
Steinmetz, Evelyn > G 59
Streit, Andrea > G 59
Strube, Manuel > H 44.1
Takahashi, Yuta > H 34.1
Tansia, Ana > H 44.1
Valat-B, Muriel > G 59
Vauk-Ogawa, Ute > H 61
Vogel, Hagen > H 34.1
Wegner, Christof > H 34.1

Claudia Borowsky The sculptor Claudia Borowski, born in 1977 in Peine, folds enormously expressive heads from just one sheet of paper. Without tearing or cutting, without painting or printing, she creates portraits as if they were made of a stone, yet they are infinitely delicate and light. For the artist, who now lives in Freiburg, the smallest note is just as much a working tool as any other piece of paper; she always explores the limits of the material, the technique used, and minimalization.

Thomas Fischer The Berlin painter Thomas Fischer, born in Bochum in 1964, develops his paintings by searching, collecting and combining. In an additive process, the artist combines abstract and concretely ordered fragments, brings them together, merges them, marks breaks and interfaces, and repeatedly questions newly created concatenations. His works visualize this open process, which permits a multitude of interpretations both in terms of content and structure.

Birgit Maaß If you have a diploma in biology, another diploma in fashion design and a master’s degree in painting, you rightly expect to see art as an interdisciplinary sister of science. And so the Berlin artist Birgit Maaß deals with the transience of human beings on various levels. Her installation work “What Remains” is a participatory work with human hair on this very subject: What Remains of Us When We No Longer Live? In interaction with the art viewer, a work of art is created that makes lived existence visible.

List by locations

G 34.1 a – Rosa Gruppenausstellung des Fotokollektivs cameraD

G 34.1 b – Friedrich Andreoni I Katja Ebert-Krüdener I Aleksander Gudalo I Andrea Imwiehe | Annelen Käferstein I Laila Kaletta I Michael Koch I Antoanetta Marinov I Anett Münnich | Christiane Pott-Schlager I Yuta Takahashi I Hagen Vogel I Christof Wegner

G 44.1 – Jutta Barth I Barbara Bernardi & Nina Hansen I Sabine Burmester & Steven Kovar Gabriele Di Stefano I Katya Elizarova I Katja Hammerle I Maria Naidyonowa Rubén Sánchez I Jochen Schlick I Manuel Strube I Ana Tansia

G 59.1 – Steffen Blunk I Carsten Borck I Claudia Borowsky I Andrea Cataudella I Marta Colombo Thomas De Leliwa I Anais Edely I Sinje Faby I Thomas Fischer I Michael Gatzke Zoran Georgiev I HaPS I Ursula Heermann-Jensen I Birgit Maaß I Christian Metzner Ludwig Nikulski I Mari Poller I Kirstin Rabe I Katrin Salentin I Evelyn Steinmetz Andrea Streit I Muriel Valat-B

G 59.3 – Atelieretage
Yoon Chung Kim

G 60.3 – Atelieretage
Bettina Ingwersen I Albert Markert I Sibylle Meister I Christian Ziems

G 61 – Lupe Godoy I JOAX I Zam Johnson I Beate Köhne I Ivan Kostolov I Inna Levinson Susanne Piotter I Agnes Brigitte Schröck I Ute Vauk-Ogawa

G 70 – Zara Alexandrova I Irene Anton I Ann Besier I Georg Cevales I Chris Dietzel I Stefan Groß Corinna Hemme I Zhiyi Liu I mxprivé I Michael Otto I Eriván Phumpiú I Monica von Rosen Gabi Rottes I Gabriela Schenke I Jens Steinberg

G 74 – Galerie Schöne Weide
Steffen Blunk I Hans-Jörg Dürr I Martin Heinig I Georg Krause I Matthias Moseke

G 74 – Atelier
Johan Pille

G 79 – Atelierhaus
Brigitta Bogenschütz I Ursula Heermann-Jensen I Anett Münnich

G 83 – XTRO Ateliers Zara Aleksandowa I Miguel A. Aragon I Marita Czepa I Daniel Eltinger I Hans Endelmann Sophie Fensch I Zoran Georgiev I Alexa Helbig I Juliane Hundertmark I Corinna Hemme Michael Koch I Sabrina Kratz I Inna Levinson I Johannes Neuhann I Ianessa Norris Susanne Piotter I Mari Poller I Dora Ragusa I Regina Richter I Jochen Schlick Christoph Schlimme I Agnes Brigitte Schröck I Matthieu Séry I Volker Witte Outside  Hartmut Kiewert

transformat 2019 at former Transformatorenwerk Oberschöneweide

WHERE? Wilhelminenhofstraße 83- 85, 12459 Berlin-Oberschöneweide

WHEN? Mi, 19-22 Uhr (Erö­ffnung) / Do, Fr, Sa jeweils 14-22 Uhr / So 14-19 Uhr

COSTS? Admission 5,- EUR for a day ticket, all locations, all concers | children up to 15 years free of charge


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