6.7 C
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cash and unavailables – Schaubude Berlin

Editors’ Choice

The Schaubude Berlin is presenting the premieres of Bares und Unverfügbares and, in November, the Festival Theater der Dinge 2024, with premieres of Lethe daheim., Wieprz River Atlas and DIE BOTIN.

Image above: © Franziska Dittrich

Lethe daheim.

Lost&Found, Berlin
Puppet and object theatre

When was the last time you celebrated forgetting? In Lethe daheim. the audience finds itself at the bottom of the sea between boxes filled with stories about remembering and forgetting, and an octopus that has recently become strangely absent-minded. In their new production, puppeteer Franziska Dittrich and director Claudia Luise Bose explore the biographical and social dimensions of forgetting and dementia and use absurdly poetic imagery to tell stories about the unavailable.

Premiere: Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8 pm
Friday, 4 October 2024, 7 & 9 pm
Saturday, 5 October 2024, 7 & 9 pm*
Sunday, 6 October 2024, 6** & 8 pm

*with audience discussion
** with audio description and tactile tour after registration until 4 October 2024, 12 pm at ticket@schaubude.berlin

Language: German
Duration: 70 minutes
Price: 16,50 EUR/reduced 11,50 EUR

Wieprz River Atlas

Franczak & Pękala (abq), Poland
Object theatre and audio art with live electronic music

© Jacek Swierczynski

With field recordings and artefacts from the Polish river Wieprz, Ludomir Franczak and Piotr Pękala set off in search of events, stories and experiences outside of time in Wieprz River Atlas. They listen to the pulsating rhythm of the water, ask about a community of people and nature and search for silence on the river.

Germany Premiere: Friday, 11 October 2024, 8 pm

Language: English
Duration: 45 minutes
Price: 16,50 EUR/reduced 11,50 EUR

A cross-genre wall show about guilt and debt

ANIMA, Berlin
Object and mask play

© Steffi Piehl/Simon Krahl

At the end of October, a postwoman, bearer of good and bad news, is on her way. But what effect do the reminders, cancellations and certificates of ownership she delivers actually have on the people who receive them? In DIE BOTIN, the Berlin collective ANIMA explores the tension between an abstract world of finance and its effects on the individual – with shame, guilt and envy, with Ayn Rand, Adam Smith and the invisible hand.

Premiere: Friday, 25 October 2024, 8 pm
Saturday, 26 October 2024, 8 pm
Sunday, 27 October 2024, 7 pm

Language: German
Duration: 70 minutes
Price: 16,50 EUR/reduced 11,50 EUR

Festival Theater der Dinge 2024
International festival of contemporary puppet and object theatre

‘In the world of spirits, everything is connected.’ Jacint Verdaguer

Dimonis © Jose Hevia

Puppet, figure and object theatre has always been enthusiastic about ghostly creatures. This is not surprising: after all, the ghost is already present in the term ‘animation’ and thus in the game of bringing objects to life.

In its 2024 edition, Theatre of Things uses the figure of ghosts to look at various social fields and problems: To what extent are hauntings related to global economics, exploitation or power relations? What repressed traumas and fears do the revenants confront us with? And can we use animistic ideas to open up the reality of our lives today between ecological catastrophe and digital transformation?

At the centre of Theater der Dinge 2024 is the performative exhibition ‘Geisterhaus’, which Schaubude Berlin is developing together with Berlin artists and which will operate at the interface of performing and visual arts. The parcours through all rooms of Schaubude Berlin will show new works between performance and installation by Neïtah Janzing, the KMZ Kollektiv, Macromatter, Naoko Tanaka, Theater Textura and Guests and theatreworks.

The festival presents the German-language premiere of the large-scale installation ‘Dimonis/Dämonen’ by the Catalan duo cabosanroque, the premiere of the new mask beatbox piece ‘Typen’ by Theater Strahl, the festival co-production ‘Mitzis Mensch’ by Ariel Doron – guest performances by artists from Bulgaria, Catalonia, Norway, Ukraine, Hungary and Germany as well as an educational programme.

Festival dates: Wednesday, 6 November – Sunday, 10 November 2024


Schaubude Berlin
Greifswalder Straße 81-84
10405 Berlin

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