13.2 C
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Programm Herbst 2024 – Humboldt Forum

Editors’ Choice

This autumn, the Humboldt Forum is focusing its programme on global perspectives. The temporary exhibition History(s) of Tanzania and a diverse programme of events shed light on the history of present-day Tanzania, which is inextricably linked to colonial history, and also show contemporary perspectives with films, dance and photography.
With the aim of ‘Decentralising the Museum’, the conference and exhibition 99 Questions in collaboration with international communities invites visitors to take part in discussions, art installations and textile workshops.
November sees the launch of the Transkontinentale: a new festival format that presents international dance, theatre and performance guest performances at the Humboldt Forum. 140 years after the opening of the so-called Congo Conference, the focus is on productions from the African continent.
The event series Objects contradict with literary texts about museum objects, Polyphonic with eight choirs from Berlin and the micro-concerts of the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester in the exhibitions set further programme highlights in autumn 2024.

Image above: Transkontinentale: L’Opèra du Villageois von Zora Snake © Antoine Billet


Festival of Lights 2024 (parallel to the theme weekend Transform yourselves!)
Projection on the east façade
4-13 October, daily from 7 to 11 pm

A bronze-look Palace of Culture appears like a mirage on the east façade and is reflected in the Spree? Is the Palace of the Republic back? ‘Nothing is real’, according to this principle, the artist collective CyberRäuber recreates the Palace of Memories with artificial intelligence.


29 November-8 December 2024

History(s) of Tanzania
Temporary exhibition
From 29 November 2024

The exhibition History(s) of Tanzania sheds light on the chequered history of the territory of present-day Tanzania, which is inextricably linked to colonial history. This is evidenced not least by the several thousand cultural belongings in the collection of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin, among others. A particular focus is on the period of colonial oppression and exploitation. The exhibition was developed by curators from Dar es Salaam, Songea and Berlin as well as representatives of communities in Tanzania, who have their say in texts and film interviews in the exhibition.
The exhibition is a collaboration between the National Museum of Tanzania, the Ethnological Museum and the Central Archive, Staatliche Museen Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss.

Themed weekend on the history(ies) of Tanzania
Film screenings, Singeli Night, VR installation, photography, workshops, food & talks
30 November and 1 December 2024

The extensive programme of events showcases current artistic positions from Tanzania and the Tanzanian diaspora. Works from the fields of film, dance, photography, media art and music provide an insight into current debates, strategies of cultural re-appropriation and political positioning. Representatives of communities and museums in Tanzania take part in the dialogue.

Themenwochenende Geschichte(n) Tansanias: Bilder der Premiere “Frozen Power” in Dar es Salaam am 18.04.2024 © MUDA Africa, Foto: Jimmy Ngenzi

European premiere: Frozen Power
Guest dance performance by MUDA Africa from Dar es Salaam
5 – 8 December 2024, 7 pm each evening

As the highlight of the opening programme, the Tanzanian dance company MUDA Africa presents its piece Frozen Power. In a mixture of contemporary dance and theatre, choreographer Ian Mwaizunga explores female empowerment and the power of re-imagining history. Five dancers and a live musician tell the story of a female ruler who has to fight for her power between colonial occupation and local intrigues.


Dance, theatre and performance guest performances from Africa
7-10 November 2024

The Transcontinentale is a new format that presents international dance, theatre and performance guest performances at the Humboldt Forum. 140 years after the opening of the so-called Congo Conference, the focus is on productions from the African continent with plays from Cameroon, Mozambique, Congo, Nigeria and Rwanda.


99 Questions Gathering – On the poetics of loose ends
Conference and exhibition

25 October-2 November 2024

The 99 Questions series questions common notions of curatorial practice and develops new approaches to decolonial collaboration with communities worldwide. The conference and exhibition 99 Questions – On the Poetics of Loose Ends brings together the project partners from the Global South at the Humboldt Forum. Visitors can take part in a collective textile art project, experience performances and artistic installations and take part in discussions with artists and weavers. The event will conclude with a listening session with musical impressions from the Caribbean, Latin America and the Congo.

99 Fragen: Weber*innen und Teilnehmende von “Textiles Semillas” © Olga Khrustavela

Objects contradict
Reading & talk

24 October 2024, 7-9 pm

In Objects contradict, international authors are invited to write about an object in the Humboldt Forum’s collections. On 24 October, Whiti Hereaka will read her text He Heru. A comb based on a comb from the Oceania collection, carved from a whale bone.


Polyphonic – Choir weekend
Gathering and presentation

16 and 17 November 2024

Eight different choirs come together in over 40 short concerts over one weekend and make the Humboldt Forum resound. Whether folk songs, pop songs, fugues, cantatas or chorales – visitors can once again experience Berlin’s colourful mix of choirs in unusual locations.

“Vielstimmig. Das Forum einsingen” – Chorwochenende im Humboldt Forum
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ethnologisches Museum/ Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss/ Foto: Stefanie Loos

Micro-concerts on museum Sundays
Concerts in the exhibition areas of the Humboldt Forum – Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin

3 November and 1 December 2024

Chamber music meets the Humboldt Forum’s diverse collections: In winter, the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin continues its successful cooperation – with free admission on museum Sundays.


Festival of Lights 2024: Friday, 4 October – Sunday, 13 October 2024, daily from 7 pm to 11 pm

Objects contradict: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 7 – 9 p.m.

99 Questions Gathering – On the poetics of loose ends:
Friday, 25 October – Saturday, 2 November 2024

Microconcerts on museum Sundays: Sunday, 3 November and Sunday, 1 December 2024

Transcontinental: Thursday, 7 November – Sunday, 10 November 2024

Polyphonic – choir weekend: Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 November 2024

PROGRAMME FOCUS TANSANIA: Friday, 29 November – Sunday, 8 December 2024

Themed weekend on the history(ies) of Tanzania: Saturday, 30 November and Sunday, 1 December 2024

European premiere, Frozen Power: Thursday, 5 December – Sunday, 8 December 2024, 7 pm each night


Humboldt Forum
10178 Berlin

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