Medallic art currently practised in Germany is a mirror of our time. The permanent yet dynamic exhibition Palm-Sized Art captures the people and their world in a concentrated space.
Image above: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Münzkabinett
More than one hundred artists present their most recent works in an exhibition whose spectrum is broad and colourful. The reliefs offer a panorama ranging from portraits and introspection to questions considering humankind’s origins and future.
The annual publication Nähe und Distanz (Closeness and Distance), created especially for this exhibition, deals with contemporary experiences while also opening a new chapter in the history of medals and medallions. Involved are the Berlin Medailleurkreis, members of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medaillenkunst e. V., and students of the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle.
The special exhibition includes objects from the holdings of the Münzkabinett (Numismatic Collection) – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and the Staatliche Münzsammlung Munich (Bavarian State Coin Collection) as well as loans from private collections. It displays the entire breadth of contemporary German medallic art.
A catalogue has been published in conjunction with the exhibition: D. O. A. Klose and B. Weisser, Hand Große Kunst: Medaillenkunst in Deutschland von 2007 bis 2020, in Die Kunstmedaille in Deutschland 31 (2021).
Supported by the Numismatische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e. V. and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medaillenkunst e. V.
28. January .2022 until 08. January.2023
Am Kupfergraben,
10117 Berlin