Wolken und Licht. Impressionism in Holland – Museum Barberini in Potsdam
From 8 July 2023, the Museum Barberini in Potsdam shows its own Dutch form of Impressionism: Wolken und Licht (Clouds and Light) presents around 100 works by artists ranging from Vincent van Gogh to Piet Mondrian that have hardly been shown in Germany to date. The exhibition Clouds and Light. Impressionism in Holland shows until 22 October 2023 how artists were inspired by French influences to create their very own Dutch form of Impressionism.
Museum Barberini in Postdam
Humboldtstraße 5-6
14467 Potsdam, Alemania
Museum Barberini
Humboldtstraße 5-6
14467 Potsdam
Saturday, 08. July 2023 – Sunday, 22. October 2023
open 10:00 am- 1:00 pm, daily except Tuesdays (box office closes at 6:15 pm)
Image above: © David von Becker