DEEDS CALENDAR: Hamburger Kunsthalle: Great Caspar David Friedrichjubiläumsschau Friedrich Works and current artistic receptions | until 01.04.2023
On the occasion of the 250th birthday of Caspar David Friedrich (1774 Greifswald-1840 Dresden), the Hamburger Kunsthalle presents the anniversary exhibition CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH: Art for a New Era from 15 December 2023 to 1 April 2024. It offers the most comprehensive exhibition of works by the important Romantic painter for many years. At the centre of the exhibition is a thematically oriented retrospective of over 60 paintings – including numerous iconic key works – and around 100 drawings. In addition, selected works by Friedrich’s artist friends will be presented, including those by Carl Blechen, Carl Gustav Carus, Johan Christian Dahl, August Heinrich and Georg Friedrich Kersting.WHERE? Hamburg Art Gallery
Glockengießerwall 5
20095 Hamburg WHEN? Tuesday, Wednesday – 10:00-18:00
Thursday – 10:00-21:00
Friday-Sunday – 10:00am-6:00pm Monday closedFig. above: Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) Das Eismeer, 1823/24, Öl auf Leinwand, 96,7 x 126,9 cm, Hamburger Kunsthalle, (c) Hamburger Kunsthalle / bpk, Foto: Elke Walford