DEEDS CALENDAR: Kit Armstrong – Schloss Neuhardenberg | on 01.06.2024
On 1 June 2024, star pianist and organist Kit Armstrong will perform one of the most important organ works in history in the Schinkel-Kirche in Neuhardenberg: Franz Liszt’s Fantasia and Fugue on the chorale Ad nos, ad salutarem undam. The premiere of this unusually symphonic and extremely virtuoso organ work in Merseburg Cathedral in 1855 was a musical sensation and a celebrated social event.
Saturday, 01 June 2024, at 7 pm: Liszts Meisterkomposition.
Schinkel-Kirche Neuhardenberg
Sybelstraße 63
10629 Berlin
Price group I:
€ 36,- / reduced and NHB-Card € 28,-
Price group II:
€ 29,- / reduced and NHB-Card € 22,-
Image above: Portrait Kit Armostrong, Foto: Marco Borggreve, Courtesy: Schloss Neuhardenberg