DEEDS CALENDAR: Leandro Erlich – SCHWERELOS – Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg | until 13.07.2025
From 12 October 2024, the world will be upside down at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. The moon stands on the earth, a house hangs high above the ground, clouds lie on the floor and visitors seem to float in the weightlessness of a spaceship. Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich (*1973) transforms the exhibition hall into a fantastically surreal cosmos and plays with our notions of perspective and gravity. His sometimes large-scale installations seem to suspend the laws of physics and open up new perspectives on the diverse connections between science, technology, ecology, space travel and migration. The exhibition, which is the artist’s first solo exhibition in Germany, was, like most of his works, specially conceived for the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg.
Exhibition dates: Saturday, 12 October 2024 – Saturday, 13 July 2025
Artist talk: Tuesday, 25 March 2025
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
Hollerpl. 1
38440 Wolfsburg
Image above: Leandro Erlich, Pulled by the Roots, 2015, ortsspezifische Installation in Karlsruhe, produziert vom ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe im Rahmen der Ausstellung GLOBALE und des 300-jährigen Jubiläums der Stadt Karlsruhe, Courtesy of Leandro Erlich Studio © Leandro Erlich Studio, Foto: Leandro Erlich Studio