DEEDS CALENDAR: Opening of DIALOGUE: East meets East. Chinese Contemporary Art and Leipzig School – CSR.ART | 26.07.2024
CSR.ART opens on Friday, 26 July 2024 from 6 to 10 p.m. the exhibition ‘DIALOGUE. East meets East. Chinese Contemporary Art and the Leipzig School’ with works by emerging Chinese artists Ma Yuge, Teng Chensong, Wang Ziling, Zhu Ziwei, Xiao Jin and the Chinese artist Xu Hongming in juxtaposition with selected works by Bernhard Heisig, the co-founder of the Leipzig School, the painter Gudrun Brüne, one of the few representatives of the Leipzig School, and the German painter Lisa Wölfel. The exhibition is curated by the Berlin-based Chinese curator Dr Huang Mei and the initiators of CSR.ART. The curatorial idea is to initiate a dialogue between young artists and the masters that transcends time and space. Co-curator Dr Huang Mei is therefore planning a special encounter for the vernissage. More than thirty talented art students from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, only one of whom is accepted each year out of an average of 400 applicants, have travelled through Germany, France and the Netherlands over the past ten days. They visited the birthplace of Vincent van Gogh and Rembrandt as well as over twenty European art museums, including the Louvre. Along the way, they sketched and expressed their cultural impressions. On the occasion of the opening ceremony, they will be showing their European sketches on this evening.
Opening: Friday, 26. July 2024, from 6 pm
Music: DE FEO, from around 7 pm
DE FEO, born 1995 in Naples is an talian Dj, sound designer and visual artist based in Berlin. Experience in soundtracks, events and media communication in Europe, place him among the most talented emerging youngsters on the Italian art scene.
Exhibition dates: Saturday, 27. July to Wednesday, 31. July 2024
open Tue – Sat 11-7 pm
CSR.ART Contemporary Show Room
Friedrichstraße 69
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Image above: Zhu Ziwei, Nio House