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Monday, February 10, 2025

TROPEZ at the Humboldthain Summer Pool | AMOUR + Summer Programme | 01.06.-01.09.2019

Editors’ Choice

The TROPEZ in Wedding’s Humboldthain Summer Pool is an outdoor kiosk and platform for young international culture. This year’s AMOUR summer exhibition comprises works of art related to the swimming pool that examine the effect of the park, are interested in communication between bathers, and view the body as a sought-after and desirable object.

Image above: Das Helmi & New Star Dance Company: The white walkers sans amour. Do they cross water? Puppet Theater Premiere on June 29th 2019, 2 pm

In and around the TROPEZ, visitors to the bath will encounter sculptures, photographs, films, virtual reality installations and digital works of art at the boundaries of ecology, technology, linguistics, statistics, poetry and politics. The AMOUR performances present artists whose practice distinguishes unusual venues and audience involvement. Whether puppet theatre, sound performance or dance, all events consider different facets of community, their merits and limitations. The children’s programme 1,2,3 SOLEIL is aimed specifically at young bathers.

AMOUR is curated by Nele Heinevetter and includes artistic contributions by Gili Avissar, Kira Bunse, Natalie Czech, Constant Dullaart, Julie Favreau, Bertrand Flanet, Richard Frater, Das Helmi, Luzie Meyer, Hayal Pozanti, Dylan Spencer-Davidson, Michael Sports, Elisabeth Wood & TAWG, Young Boy Dancing Group as well as readings, sound performances, live sets and screenings compiled by Broken Dimanche Press, Clara Meister, Clare Molly, Creamcake and Starship for AMOUR.

Since 2017, the space initiated by Nele Heinevetter has been inviting outstanding Berlin and international artists, musicians, authors and curators to explore this special place. During the summer weeks, the aim is to bring contemporary culture out of the context of classical presentation contexts such as museums, theatres and concert halls and to provide a heterogeneous audience with uncomplicated access to various art forms.

The artworks are presented in and around the kiosk. The cultural events take place on the terraces and in the outdoor pool area during the bathing season and during the summer holidays workshops led by artists actively involve the young bath visitors.



Sun, 2nd, 4 pm
Broken Dimanche Press Literature at TROPEZ: Poolside Reading with Barakunan
An afternoon with music, drinks and futuristic folklore, invited by John Holten

Sat, 15th, 2 pm
Peter Cant and Krzysztof Honowski And Now The Screen Is Struck By Lightning
Sound performance invited by Clara Meister and Clare Molloy

Sun, 16th, 2 pm
Peter Cant and Krzysztof Honowski And Now The Screen Is Struck By Lightning
Sound performance invited by Clara Meister and Clare Molloy

Sat, 22nd, 2 pm
Das Helmi & BFF’s GOT: Motherly love. Walk of Shame
Puppet theatre

Sat, 22nd, 4 pm
Das Helmi & BFF’s GOT: Motherly love. Mother of Dragons
Puppet theatre

Sun, 23rd, 2 pm
Das Helmi & BFF’s GOT: Amour Fou. The Tiny One and the Whore
Puppet theatre

Sun, 23rd, 4 pm
Das Helmi & BFF’s GOT: Amour Fou. Jon Snow and the Wildling
Puppet theatre

Sat, 29th, 2 pm
Das Helmi & New Star Dance Company The white walkers sans amour. Do they cross water?
Puppet theatre premiere

Sun, 30th, 2 pm
Das Helmi & BFF’s Amour Dramatique
Puppet theatre


Sat, 13th, 3 pm
Dylan Spencer-Davidson Age of Majority
Dance performance

Sun, 14th, 4 pm
Broken Dimanche Press Literature at TROPEZ: Poolside Reading with Tabloid Press
Readings invited by John Holten

Sat, 27th, 3 pm
Young Boy Dancing Group
Dance performance

Sun, 28th, 2 pm
Creamcake Europool
Discussion and live sets invited by Creamcake


Sat, 3rd, 2 pm
Elisabeth Wood & TAWG  the Anonymous Love
Sound installation

Sun, 4th 3 pm
Christian Naujoks The scene in which I find myself / Or, where does my body belong 
with Ruth Buchanan and dancers of TROPEZ invited by Clara Meister & Clare Molloy

Sat, 17th, 4 pm
Richard Frater, Karamia Müller, Miriam Stoney O.T.

Sun, 18th, 4 pm
Starship Screening at the Pool: The Time is Now
Screening compiled by Martin Ebner

Sat, 31th, 4 pm
Broken Dimanche Press Literature at TROPEZ: A Roundtable on International Literature and Publishing
Discussion with readings invited by John Holten

Sun, September 1st, 2 pm
Starship Screening at the Pool: Recycling Plastic Inevitable (RPI)
Video concert with Sebastian Luetgert, Theresa Patzschke, Martin Ebner

1,2,3, SOLEIL children’s art workshops in the summer holidays
Wed-Fri, June 26th-28th, 2 – 5 pm
Puppet theatre workshop with Das Helmi
from 3 to 18 years old
Mon-Fri, July 8th-12th, 11 am – 4 pm
Dance workshop with Dylan Spencer-Davidson
from 9 to 12 years July 29th-31st, 11 am – 4 pm
Film workshop with Luzie Meyer
from 11-16 years


TROPEZ im Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1
13357 Berlin-Wedding
Mo–So, 10–18 Uhr

Instagram: @tropez #tropeztropez

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