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Monday, September 16, 2024

Berlin Art Week 2024: GASAG Art Prize 2024: Mariechen Danz. edge out – Berlinische Galerie | 13.09.2024-31.03.2025

Editors’ Choice

Mariechen Danz has been awarded the GASAG Art Prize 2024. The exhibition “edge out” will be shown at the Berlinische Galerie from September 13, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

Image above: Mariechen Danz, Possible Paths (fossil feet), © Photo: Trevor Good

In her artistic practice, Mariechen Danz (*1980 Dublin, Ireland) deals with methods and models of human cognition. In large-scale installations and performances, often in collaboration with other artists and musicians, she combines scientific systems for the appropriation and description of the world with subjective, alternative and magical ways of thinking. The starting point of her artistic research is the human body, which she uses as a model to describe new ways of exchanging and notating knowledge, truth and history.


Opening: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 7 pm

Exhibition dates: Friday, September 13, 2024 – Monday, March 31, 2025

Opening hours: Wednesday – Monday, 10 am – 6 pm


Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124 –128
10969 Berlin


Free admission up to 18 years
Day ticket: 10 EUR
Reduced: 6 EUR
also for groups of 10 or more

For special exhibitions
increased admission prices may apply.

Museum Sunday Berlin: Free admission every 1st Sunday of the month

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