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Friday, October 18, 2024

Matěj Janák & Jan Slanina: CONSEQUENCES – Urban Spree Galerie | 17.10.-23.11.2024

Editors’ Choice

Urban Spree Galerie shows from 17th October 2024 the exhibition CONSEQUENCES by the artists Matěj Janák and Jan Slanina. The exhibition responds to the current social situation with a focus on the consumer mentality that permeates culture in different ways, a conceptual journey through (over)consumerism, post-internet anomalies, bas-reliefs, hand-drawn neons and scrolling curiosities.

Image above: Matěj Janák & Jan Slanina, CONSEQUENCES

The individual pieces satirically reflect fragments of modern society and cultural icons, with the violent multiplication of certain elements accentuating this effect. In their works, both artists present a caricature of contemporary social values. This theme, which both artists repeatedly explore, now converges under the metaphorical title of the exhibition “Consequences”, which subtly raises questions about the social prospects of the future society. The intensity of this theme is further emphasised by the use of techniques including 3D reliefs and neon lights.

Matěj Janák & Jan Slanina, CONSEQUENCES; Installation View Berlin 0ctober 2024

About Matěj Janák

Matěj Janák is a contemporary Czech multimedia artist based in Prague. He started as a graffiti artist, but his journey into the contemporary art world has been supported by successful exhibitions, including collaborations with Karpuchina Gallery and Chemistry Gallery, which have established him as a leading member of the contemporary generation.

In his past projects he has experimented with various techniques, including interactive objects and audiovisual recordings, while his dominant medium remains expressive painting. Janák’s painting combines elements of expressive still life with iconic objects and typographic fragments that reflect his origins in the graffiti scene. His other artistic direction goes to post-internet memes & phenomena.

A key moment in his artistic development was his mastery of the airbrush technique. He discovered this technique after a serious accident in which he almost lost his right hand. Thanks to a long rehabilitation and a strong will to overcome his limitations, airbrush has become not only the means that allowed him to return to his work, but also his characteristic means of expression in recent years.

Matěj Janák & Jan Slanina, CONSEQUENCES

About Jan Slanina

Jan Slanina is a contemporary Czech multimedia artist based in Prague. He is currently a student in the Intermedia Studio 1 under the guidance of Milena Dopitová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU). In his work, he focuses on new technologies in connection with strong social themes.

Among other things, he has explored the absence of depictions of old age in public art, the issue of uranium labor camps in the Jáchymov region, and the societal transformations related to technological development. He also draws inspiration for working with various techniques from his experience as a light designer on the underground rave scene. His works often explore the relationship between labor and so-called artificial intelligence.


Opening: Thursday, 17. October 2024, 6-10 pm

Exhibition dates: Thursday, 17. October until Saturday, 23. November 2024


Urban Spree Galerie
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin

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