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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The price of freedom. Artistic positions and debates from Hungary – Akademie der Künste | 12.10.2024

Editors’ Choice

The event at the Akademie der Künste entitled ‘The Price of Freedom. Voices from the Hungarian art scene’ is a sign of solidarity with artists and cultural professionals from Hungary who have seen artistic freedom in their country increasingly threatened by the influence of Viktor Orbán’s government since 2010. Hungary still holds the EU Council Presidency until December 2024. The event will take place on 12 October 2024 from 3 pm.

Image above: Photo: Timo Ohler

Academy members and partners of the European Alliance of Academies enter into dialogue with those affected by the cultural policy situation. Artistic contributions show that despite political restrictions, a lack of resources and difficult working conditions, the Hungarian cultural landscape is characterised by diversity and dynamism.

Theatre and film screenings, performative readings and a musical contribution are the starting point for joint discussions on the effects of restrictive cultural policy on artistic creation: What influence do experiences of exile or internal adaptation have on the artists’ own work and how do they deal with it? What support potential can transnational networks unfold in these situations? And what is actually meant by ‘national art’ as propagated by autocratic regimes?

With: Zsófia Bán, Kinga Tóth, Diána Vonnák, Anna Gács (literature), László Göndör, Kristóf Kelemen, György Szabó (performing arts), Nikolett Erőss (visual arts), Gergely Nagy (journalist) and Manos Tsangaris, President of the Academy of Arts, Kateryna Stetsevych, Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), Miriam Bruns, Director of the Goethe-Institut Budapest and Matthijs Wouter Knol, Director of the European Film Academy
Music: Dakoda Percussion Group

In the event series ‘Freedom of Art’, the Akademie der Künste will explore the legal and discursive framework of artistic freedom in Germany on 27 September 2024 (Fundamental Right and Promise), 29 October 2024 (Arousal Mechanisms), 12 November 2024 (Film Screening No Other Land) and 28 November 2024 (DIE VIELEN on new cultural policy strategies to counter right-wing extremism).

Languages: English, Hungarian and German


Event dates: Saturday, 12 October 2024, 3 pm – midnight


Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin


15 EUR/reduced 9 EUR

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