Tchoban Foundation Die klassischen Ordnungen: Myth, Meaning and Beauty in the Drawings of Sir John Soane
This new exhibition at the Museum of Architectural Drawing is the fourth collaborative project with Sir John Soane’s Museum in London and is dedicated to a selection of masterful drawings by Sir John Soane (1753-1837) and his office. Soane was the leading neoclassical architect in late Georgian Britain, and many of the drawings on display were produced for the lectures he gave as Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy of Arts in London between 1809 and 1820. These colourful masterful renderings served to illustrate the classical orders in architecture. The orders are a series of architectural styles developed in ancient Greece and adopted and adapted by the Romans. For Soane, a proper understanding of the three main ancient orders – Doric, Ionic and Corinthian – was central to architecture.
Image caption: Joseph Michael Gandy Präsentationszeichnung Sir John Soanes Entwurf für eine Triumphalbrücke im dorischen Stil Bleistift, Feder und Aquarell auf Büttenpapier 1799