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Thursday, February 13, 2025

48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN announces annual theme for 2020

Editors’ Choice

The art festival 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN will take place next year from June 19th to 21st 2020. Applications can be submitted from now until 3 February 2020. The festival theme: BOOM.

The annual theme of the art festival for 2020 is “BOOM”: open in all directions, a loud bang, but also a big breakthrough. A bass tone that drives the music, a formal visualization with party poppers. The eruptive destruction and new emergence are its manifestations, a pointy red and yellow speech bubble in comics, an explosion. A powerful outburst and a sign of abrupt change.

Berlin is a “boomtown”, a hotspot of the art world, and Neukölln has for years been a key location for experimentation, artistic research, and unconventional presentation. The word “boom” sounds first and foremost positive: it describes an upswing, increased interest and growing demand. But the term also inspires the critical examination of the “limits of growth” when taking into account both economic and ecological factors. And who really profits in Berlin from the boom and the dynamics associated with it, and for whom does the boom constitute a threat?

A boom fits as a phenomenon that focuses attention on a festival that takes full effect in a single weekend. 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN this year offers space for art that aims to overpower viewers in an aesthetic and emotional sense, as well as deliberately drawing its strength from reduction and concentration.

Since December 2nd 2019, applications can be submitted on the festival website. The festival management and the team of the 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN will be happy to advise you on questions concerning implementation, space search and necessary approvals as well as on applying for funding.

The closing date for applications: February 3rd 2020.

Registration and application: www.anmeldung.48-stunden-neukoelln.de

48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN is a forum for artistic projects from all sectors of the Berlin art scene. The festival presents and promotes art that contributes to the discussion of current social issues and reflects on them. Since its founding in 1999, 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN has established itself as Berlin’s largest independent art festival with its exemplary character. The artistic works created here act as impulses far beyond Berlin-Neukölln, take a stand on issues affecting society as a whole and promote a lasting exchange with the international art scene.

In 2018, the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe included the festival in the circle of events relevant to urban policy and has since supported it within the framework of the Festival Fund. The funding promised in 2019 for the period 2020-2023 provides the festival with long-term planning security for the first time in its history. 

In 2015, 2017 and 2019 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN was awarded the EFFE label (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) as one of “Europe’s finest festivals”. 

48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN is organised and coordinated by Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V. (Karl-Marx-Str. 131, 12043 Berlin, kulturnetzwerk.de)

Festival direction: Dr. Martin Steffens, Thorsten Schlenger.
Sponsored by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Neukölln District Office.
Main sponsors: STADT UND LAND Wohnbauten-Gesellschaft mbH, Wall AG.

The [Aktion! Karl-Marx-Strasse] supports activities and projects around Karl-Marx-Strasse. Other foundations, partners and sponsors help to ensure that Neukölln can present itself at its best every year with its art festival.

Further information: 48-stunden-neukoelln.de

Instagram: @48stundennk
Twitter: @48hnk
Facebook: facebook.com/48.stunden.neukoelln

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