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Monday, February 10, 2025

art KARLSRUHE 2021: Cancellation

Editors’ Choice

What was just possible last year is no longer possible in 2021. Today it was announced that the 18th art KARLSRUHE cannot take place as planned from 21 to 24 May 2021. Due to the lack of an opening perspective for the trade fair and event sector and the associated lack of planning security, Messe Karlsruhe sees itself forced to cancel.

DEEDS WORLD - art_karlsruhe_2020 Halle 2 - Courtesy art Karlsruhe
View into Hall 2, art KARLSRUHE 2020, Photo: Messe Karlsruhe / Jürgen Rösner

In February 2020, art KARLSRUHE – International Fair for Classical Modern and Contemporary Art was still the only art fair that could be held without restrictions and successfully before all fairs worldwide had to be cancelled. Then, at the end of last year, the art fair, which presents top-class art from the last 120 years, was postponed from February to May 2021 as a precaution. Now the cancellation followed. The next edition of art KARLSRUHE will now take place in 2021. Once again in February, in order to remain faithful to its usual date at the beginning of the art fair year in the long term.

No opening perspective to restart the trade fair business

Britta Wirtz, Managing Director of Messe Karlsruhe, explains the decision: “A trade fair requires several months of preparation by all the players involved. Despite permanently further developed Corona protection concepts that are adaptable to the current situation, there are currently no viable opening perspectives for the industry that now offer our customers, partners and colleagues the planning security they need for May 2021. Therefore, a cancellation of this year’s art KARLSRUHE is unfortunately unavoidable.”

DEEDS WORLD Britta Wirtz-art karlsruhe 2020 - Foto Juergen Roesner
Britta Wirtz, Managing Director of Messe Karlsruhe, here at the opening on the preview evening
of the 17th art KARLSRUHE (2020). Photo: Messe Karlsruhe/Jürgen Rösner

Curator Ewald Karl Schrade is grateful for the loyalty of the gallery owners in the current situation: “We hoped until the very end that art KARLSRUHE would be able to take place and made the necessary rescheduling. Our gallery owners have always remained loyal to us and have made all the preparations for their appearances at the fair. Now we look forward to seeing them again in person next year.”

DEEDS WORLD - Ewald Karl Schrade -art karlsruhe 2020 - Foto Juergen Roesner
Curator Ewald Karl Schrade, here at the opening of the 17th art KARLSRUHE (2020).
Photo: Messe Karlsruhe/Jürgen Rösner

Project manager Olga Blaß adds: “With the early announcement that the next art KARLSRUHE will take place in February 2022, we want to be a reliable partner to all those involved in the fair and offer the best possible planning security.”

Online Highlight in May

Nevertheless, Messe Karlsruhe would like to offer visitors and exhibitors a platform with new digital solutions for the planned date in May: “Art needs direct encounters. We remain convinced of this. We are currently developing suitable hybrid and digital formats that complement the fair on site and will last beyond the pandemic,” explains project manager Olga Blaß. With individual formats, art KARLSRUHE also wants to spread the joy of art at home.

About the fair

As a fair for classical modern and contemporary art, art KARLSRUHE spans 120 years of art history. National as well as international galleries show the breadth of the art market – from the complete spectrum of 20th century art to works fresh from the studios. A special unique selling point in the airy, light-flooded exhibition halls is the unique layout of galleries in interplay with generously laid-out sculpture spaces and one-artist shows that focus on the artistic work of individuals.

DEEDS WORLD - skulpturenplatz-doebele kunst-Angelika Summa - Foto art Karlsruhe Juergen Roesner
Döbele Kunst zeigte Werke von Angelika Summa auf dem raumgebenden Skulpturenplatz
der 17. art KARLSRUHE (2020). Foto: Messe Karlsruhe/Jürgen Rösner

The national and international appeal of art KARLSRUHE appeals to both established collectors and art market newcomers and is firmly anchored in the cultural city of Karlsruhe. In conjunction with renowned museums and cultural institutions in the city of Karlsruhe and the surrounding region, it creates a special art experience.


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