Barrie Kosky's mystical and visually stunning production of "The Golden Cockerel" transports the audience into the enigmatic world of fairy tales - and tells...
In February 2024, the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz will celebrate the premiere of "Bad Kingdom" - the latest play by award-winning director Falk Richter...
On January 27th, the Deutsche Oper Berlin will celebrate the first premiere of 2024: George Benjamin's WRITTEN ON SKIN in the award-winning and well-traveled...
Jean-Paul Sartre's political drama "Die schmutzigen Hände (> The Dirty Hands)" will premiere on 26 January 2024 at the Berliner Ensemble in the Grosses...
In January 2024, the Deutsches Theater will celebrate the premiere of "Nora oder Wie man das Herrenhaus kompostiert" - a contemporary adaptation of the...
The Board of Trustees of the Berlin Opera Foundation approved the contract with Mr Christian Thielemann as General Music Director of the Staatsoper Unter...
8 April 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of Pablo Picasso's death. Under the title The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, a large number of exhibitions in...