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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Alfons Klosterfelde joins Chertlüdde Gallery as partner

Editors’ Choice

From September to December 2024, the former Klosterfelde gallery space at Potsdamer Straße 97 will host exhibitions curated by ChertLüdde. With his experience in various aspects of the art world, Alfons Klosterfelde joins Jennifer Chert, Florian Lüdde and Clarissa Tempestini to manage and further develop the gallery, committing to a joint future.

Image above: Florian Lüdde, Jennifer Chert, Clarissa Tempestini and Alfons Kosterfelde, Berlin, 2024, Photo: Marjorie Brunet Plaza

Alfons Kosterfelde says, “I have been closely following ChertLüdde’s distinctive and progressive program for years. Working as a team will now give us a unique opportunity to grow and tackle common challenges together.”

For the past 15 years, Alfons Klosterfelde has managed the Klosterfelde Edition, a gallery renowned for its production and exhibition of limited editions by established and emerging international artists since 1990. After many years in Berlin, Klosterfelde Edition returns to its roots in Hamburg.

This new constellation enriches ChertLüdde’s potential by focusing on collaboration and combining resources among colleagues.

On the announcement Jennifer Chert, Florian Lüdde and Clarissa Tempestini comment, “We are grateful to welcome Alfons, a valued colleague whose personality greatly enriches our team and brings with him valuable experience and vision.”


September until December 2024


Galerie Klosterfelde
Potsdamer Str. 97
10785 Berlin

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