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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Open Air Filmscreening: States of Fragility – KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art | 21.08.2024

Editors’ Choice

During the summer break, the KINDL presents an open-air film programme exploring the topic of fragility both artistically and thematically. 

Image above: Pauline Curnier Jardin, Explosion Ma Baby, 2016, Film still, copyrights: Pauline Curnier Jardin / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2024, Courtesy of Pauline Curnier Jardin, Berlin, ChertLüdde, Berlin, and Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam

The curated selection, titled States of Fragility, features seven short films by contemporary international artists and directors. These films explore themes of transformation and change, the natural cycle of life and death, and the rituals in between. They engage with myths, ancestors, and traditional beliefs, portraying a vulnerable world and the fragility of ecosystems. Some films reference actual events and build narratives around them, while others unfold through montages of images and the creation of atmospheres. The overarching theme of fragility and its far-reaching facets connects all the films. 

Hannes Lang, RIAFN, 2019, Film still, copyrights: PETROLIO / STARK 2019 


  • Pauline Curnier Jardin, Explosion Ma Baby (2016, NL / IT / FR, 9:12 min.)
  • Factory of Found Clothes (FFC), Triumph of Fragility (2020, RUS, 5:03 min.)
  • Alice Rohrwacher & JR, Omelia Contadina (2019, IT / FR, 9:53 min., Italian with English subtitles)
  • Yeo Siew Hua, An Invocation to the Earth (2020, SGP, 16:10 min., Malay with English subtitles)
  • Eva Giolo, Flowers Blooming In Our Throats (2020, IT / BE, 8:37 min.)
  • Sky Hopinka, Anti-Objects, or Space Without Path or Boundary (2017, USA, 13:05 min., English and Chinuk Wawa with English subtitles)
  • Hannes Lang, Riafn (2019, DE, 29 min.)


Wednesday 21. August 2024, 8 pm


KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art
Sudhaus 3, 12053 Berlin


Free admission

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