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Sunday, February 16, 2025

1914/1918 NOT THEN, NOT NOW, NOT EVER | From Berlin to UN Headquarters in New York

Editors’ Choice

After the successful start of the exhibition “1914/1918 Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever” in the German Bundestag in November 2018, the works of the 31 participating artists will travel to New York this summer. In June 2019, the exhibition will be opened at the New York headquarters in cooperation with the German United Nations Representation, and is intended to set an example of peaceful coexistence without violence.

Image above: Key Visual of the exhibition 1914/1918

On the occasion of the end of the First World War 100 years ago, the exhibition “1914/1918 – Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever” entitled “1914/1918 – Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever” with works by internationally renowned artists from countries militarily involved in the First World War was shown in the German Bundestag. The joint art project enjoyed great popularity and could be viewed until January 6th, 2019 as part of weekend tours that were fully booked until the end of the year.

The initiator of the project is the Osnabrück Volker-Johannes Trieb, who with the support of the district and many regional sponsors in cooperation with Till Breckner (Art & Culture International gGmbh) and the curator Mattijs Visser has realized the peace art project. On January 6th, 2019, the exhibition ended after an eight-week period with enthusiastic impressions from visitors and the press.


“But the exhibition is not only a remembrance – it is above all a warning in view of the increasing tensions in Europe and the current wars in the world.

ARTE Journal 08.01.2019

„Kunst für eine bessere Welt: Im Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin findet zum Gedenken an das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs bis zum 6. Januar ein bewegendes Friedenskunst-Projekt statt.“

art – Das Kunstmagazin

“Some adaptations open up in the context of war and destruction, violence and death at first glance, others remain enigmatic and inaccessible. It is amazing how many creative ways there are to deal with a piece of wood against the background of the great murder at the beginning of the 20th century”.

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung


Aljoscha (Ukraine), Mirosław Bałka (Polen), Jean Boghossian (Armenien), Christian Boltanski (Frankreich), Monica Bonvicini (Italien), Wim Botha (Südafrika), Geta Brătescu (Rumänien), Pedro Cabrita Reis (Portugal), Tony Cragg (Großbritannien), Berlinde De Bruyckere (Belgien), Braco Dimitrijević (Kroatien), Cevdet Erek (Türkei), Fiona Hall (Australien), IRWIN (Slowenien), Ilya & Emilia Kabakov (Russland), Anish Kapoor (Indien), David McCracken (Neuseeland), Hermann Nitsch (Österreich), Roman Ondak (Slowakei), Sándor Pinczehelyi, (Ungarn), Sadaharu Horio (Japan), Sean Scully (Irland), Kiki Smith (USA), Nedko Solakov (Bulgarien), Jana Sterbak (Kanada), Rirkrit Tiravanija (Thailand), Raša Todosijević (Serbien), Günther Uecker (Deutschland), Costas Varotsos (Griechenland), Huang Yong Ping (China), Jana Želibská (Tschechien).


“1914/1918 – Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever” is a joint project of the initiator Volker-Johannes Trieb with the district of Osnabrück and Till Breckner (Art & Culture International gemeinnützige GmbH), in cooperation with the curator Mattijs Visser and Andreas Brenne, University of Osnabrück and Jost von Papen, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.


The art project is supported by the German Bundestag, the district of Osnabrück, the city of Osnabrück, foundations and numerous commercial enterprises as well as private individuals from the Osnabrück region.


OPENING NEW YORK: June 17th, 2019 
June 17th to 28th, 2019 


Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen, New York City, USA

WEITFURTHER INFORMATIONS: http://friedensprojekt.com/

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