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First production of the incoming artistic director: Giuseppe Verdi’s “Messa da Requiem” – Staatsballett Berlin | Première 14.04.2023

Editors’ Choice

Christian Spuck, artistic director of the Staatsballett Berlin from the next season, will introduce himself to the Berlin audience on 14 April 2023 with his successful production of Giuseppe Verdi’s “Messa da Requiem”. The demanding choral part will be performed by the Rundfunkchor Berlin, which, together with the Staatsballett Berlin, the orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin and an ensemble of renowned vocal soloists, will bring Verdi’s masterpiece to life in Spuck’s scenic and dance realisation.

Image above: MESSA DA REQUIEM, P. Semionova, D. Soares, Foto: Serghei Gherciu 

Giuseppe Verdi’s MESSA DA REQUIEM is not only one of the most moving works of his compositional oeuvre, but also a choral-symphonic masterpiece in its musical range from submerged intimacy to dramatic monumentality. In impressive images, the dancers of the Staatsballett Berlin, the Rundfunkchor Berlin and the quartet of soloists become part of a monumental work of art in which dance, song and scene merge with each other: “Chorus, singer soloists and dancers inspire each other, give each other energy and pay respect to each other, which is reflected in scenic tension,” says choreographer Christian Spuck. The musical direction is in the hands of Nicholas Carter, the choral rehearsal is by Justus Barleben.

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MESSA DA REQUIEM, Foto: Serghei Gherciu

First performed in Milan in 1874, Verdi’s Mass for the Dead, which sets the Latin text of the Catholic liturgy to music, aims far beyond the ecclesiastical ideas of death and resurrection to the ultimate questions of human existence. Thus, choreographer Christian Spuck does not place the religious interpretation of the text at the centre of his 2016 production for Zurich Opera, but moments of mourning, consolation, fear and hope: “In general, the Requiem is about man’s confrontation with death, about the big questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? In the reflection on the finiteness of existence, we are confronted with ourselves,” says Spuck.

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MESSA DA REQUIEM, V. Segova, O. Golovneva, Foto: Serghei Gherciu


Staatsballett Berlin
MESSA DA REQUIEM – Giuseppe Verdi

Choreography and staging Christian Spuck 
Stage design Christian Schmidt 
Costumes Emma Ryott 
Light Martin Gebhardt 
Dramaturgy Michael Küster, Claus Spahn 

Soprano Olesya Golovneva 
Mezzo Sopranp Karis Tucker | Annika Schlicht 
Tenor Attilio Glaser | Andrei Danilov 
Bass Lawson Anderson 

Soloists and corps de ballet of the Staatsballett Berlin
Rundfunkchor Berlin
(Radio Choir Berlin)
Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin (Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin)

Choral production Justus Barleben 
Musical direction Nicholas Carter 


Premiere: Friday, 14. April 2023, 7.30pm

Further dates: 17. & 29. April, 4., 6.& 12. May, 2., 19. 22., 27. June 2023 | each 7.30pm


Deutsche Oper Berlin
Bismarckstraße 35
10627 Berlin-Charlottenburg

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