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Saturday, July 27, 2024

*foundationClass of the weissensee kunsthochschule accepts new students | Applications until 15.03.2019

Editors’ Choice

The *foundationClass for fugitive artists and designers of the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, which has received many awards and honours, will accept new students from May 2019. The application phase has begun and ends on March 15th, 2019.

Image above: The application phase of the *foundationClass ends on March 15th, 2019. Photo: weissensee kunsthochschule

The core idea of the *foundationClass founded by Professor Ulf Aminde in 2016 is to create a space in which fugitive artists and designers can reconstruct or recreate their lost portfolios and materials. In this way they can apply again or for the first time for a place at an art college.

A specially developed programme lasting several months includes artistic workshops led by professional artists, designers and scientists who themselves or their families have migrated to Germany. In preparation for the aptitude tests, *foundationClass participants use the rooms and infrastructure, especially the university’s workshops.

The offer is extremely successful: Between 80 and 90 percent of all participants from the previous *foundationClass courses running since 2016 have successfully passed the entrance examinations at various German art academies and received a place at university.

The program *foundationClass is funded by the quality and innovation offensive of the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Science and Research.

Application requirements and all other details see: http://kh-berlin.de/projekt-detail/Project/detail/foundationclass-2051.html

Contact by mail: foundationclass@kh-berlin.de

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