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What is good Outsider Art? | Conference | Berlinische Galerie | 07.12.-08.12.2018

Editors’ Choice

The association Außenseiterkunst in Berlin e. V. invites you to a conference on the topic “What is good Outsider Art?” in Berlin from December 7th to 8th, 2018. The conference is organized by the Verein Außenseiterkunst in Berlin e.V. in cooperation with the Prinzhorn Collection, Heidelberg and the Berlinische Galerie.

Image above: Berlinische Galerie – Museum for Modern Art, Photography and Architecture – Photo: Nina Straßgütl

Aesthetic quality is an essential criterion for the evaluation of works of art, even if there is hardly any agreement as to how it is to be defined and what belongs to it. Such judgments can also be revised by subsequent generations, for example, by the dis- and later revaluation of Gothic or Baroque, Mannerist or Rococo art. In addition, it can be difficult to assess the quality of works of art due to a lack of familiarity, for example when a European observer is to judge traditional East Asian art. But what about the quality of so-called outsider art? Are the usual criteria considered here, as with other modern and contemporary art? Or do we need a special “connoisseurship” to judge? Is it even possible that other criteria than for other art have to be taken into account? For various reasons, outsider art brokers, dealers and collectors usually avoid an open discussion about quality in this field. The Berlin conference aims to take a closer look at these “elephants in space” and thus approach the phenomenon of Outsider Art by bringing together representatives of open studios, specialized museums, museums of modern and contemporary art, dealers and collectors with lectures and discussions.

You will find the program enclosed. There is no cost contribution, but donations are welcome. Please print out this invitation, which serves as your “admission ticket” to the Berlinische Galerie. We would be pleased to welcome you in Berlin, PD Dr. Thomas Röske (chairman of the association) and Dr. Wolfram Voigtländer (secretary).

For better planning please register: Wolfram Voigtländer aw.voigtl@t-online.de.


“What is good Outsider Art?”
Conference of the association Außenseiterkunst in Berlin e.V. in cooperation with the collection
Prinzhorn, Heidelberg and the Berlinische Galerie
Berlinische Gallery, 7/8.12.2018

1 pm Registration
1:45 pm Welcome: Thomas Köhler/Annelie Lütgens
2 pm Introduction: Thomas Röske
Art mediation: Do creators of Outsider Art have a special perspective on the quality of art?
2:30 pm Conversation David Permantier/Berlin, Hilde Wittur/Berlin, Beate Gorges/Berlin, Christine van Haaren/Berlin and Herbert Federsel/Rudersberg
3:30 pm Discussion
4 pm Coffee break
Collections: According to which criteria is Outsider Art/Art brut accepted?
4:30 pm Conversation Nina Roskamp/Braunschweig, Marina von Assel/Bayreuth, Annelie Lütgens/Berlin and Barbara Safarova/Paris
5:30 pm Discussion
6 pm End of the conference day

10 am Introduction: Thomas Röske
Open studios: social place or alternative academy?
10:30 am Panel: Christiane Cuticchio/Frankfurt am Main, Peter Heidenwag, Hamburg, Nina Pfannenstiel/Berlin
11:30 am Discussion
12 pm Lunch
Art business: Is Outsider Art an art like any other?
1:15 pm Conversation Carine Fol/Brussels, Monika Jagfeld/St. Gallen and Kirsten Weiß/Berlin
2:15 pm Discussion
2:45 pm
Thomas Röske and Wolfram Voigtländer: Summary
3:00 pm Conference end

After the conference you are invited to visit the exhibition “Anna Zemánková” in an exclusive preview at Galerie Weiss Berlin, Bundesallee 221, 10719 Berlin.


Friday – Saturday, December 7th to 8th, 2018


Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstr. 124-128
10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg

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