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artspring 2019 | Ein Stadtbezirk wird Galerie | 01.06. + 02.06.2019

Editors’ Choice

On the weekend of June 1st/2nd 2019, the doors to the production facilities of the local artists will open in Prenzlauer Berg, Weißensee and Pankow.

Since May 1st, the festival artspring spots has been taking place at various locations with events such as art actions, concerts, performances, readings, exhibitions, film screenings and workshops of the artists participating in artspring.

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artspring 2018 – Studio View Stefanie Schairer – Photo Beate Hoeckner

The artspring festival will reach its climax on the first weekend in June when 300 female artists will open their doors to front buildings and back courtyards, to factory floors and apartment studios, to shop or group studios, to studio houses or project spaces under the title artspring 2019 – open studios in Pankow, Weißensee and Prenzlauer Berg, the city district. Some studios have existed here for many decades, others were set up last month – artspring makes them equally visible. The art production emerging outside the public sphere is made accessible, the artists approachable. The weekend is an occasion and an opportunity for the artists* working in the Pankow district to network with interested parties, but also with one another. From Kollwitzkiez to Karow – art is shown everywhere.

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artspring 2018 – Studio View – Photo studio Carlos Silva

artspring 2019 – List of participants with currently 251 artists:
(As of editorial deadline DEEDS.NEWS: 08.04.2019)

Bettina Albrecht Sinéad  Aldridge Tonia Alvarez Doris Aman Lindy Annis Carlos Asensio Christian Badel Daniel Baden Alfred Banze Helena Barcikowski Steffen Basho-Junghans Ilker Basirli Hugo Baudouin André Bauersfeld Hanna Baumann  Beate Baumholzer-Fetzer Jonas Beile Katerina Belkina Lado Beroza Anja Billing Berthold Bock Susanne Bonowicz Eva Maria Brandmayer Gujic Branislav Julia Brodauf Ornella  Buglioni Elisa Carreno Michel Castaignet Bartolmaes Christoph Mocx Dabbert SWEN DAEMEN Christel Daesler-Lohmüller Jeremiah Day Aurora Del Rio Nadia-Valeska Devonish Christine Donath Lea  Donner Hagen Döring Corinne Douarre Christine Dreher Philipp Dümcke Christine Düwel Kerstin Dzewior Daniela Ehemann Gisela Eichardt Niki Elbe Philipp Eller Hayley  Ellis Skadi Engeln Dana Engfer Christine Falk Sabine Fiesicke Marco Flierl Silvia Fohrer Daniela Fromberg Manfred Fuchs Andrea Fürst Johana  Gaarder Hans Gaba Stefan Galler Joe Gbaguidi EDELGARD Giesbert Esther Glück Alexander Gnädinger  Barbara Gockel Barbara Gockel Martina Goldbeck Jan Gottschalk Marcel Grabsch Karin GRALKI Katharina Grantner Carola Grimm Marc Groeszer Heike Gronemann Karin Grote Margit Grüger Andreas Gubbe Cornelia Gutsche Ulrike Hahn Paul Thosten Hahn Hyon Hartberger Marc Haselbach Frauke Havemann Hartmut Heck Emanuel Heim Sylvia Henrich robert  hogervorst Helen Horgan Satoshi Hoshi Agnes Immelmann Tamara Ivanova   Güde  Jacobsen Güde Jacobsen Katrin  Jaquet Katalin Járay Monika Jarecka Julienne Jattiot Nicola Jekubik Hannah  Jennewein Stephanie Jünemann Yuki Jungesblut Joseph Kafka Alice Kahei Yu Rudolf J.  Kaltenbach James Kennedy Voula Kereklidou Ginu Kirs Silke Kirschning buffy klama nRalf Kleine Alexander Klenz Jan Klopfleisch Andreas Knäbel micha Koch therry Kornath Stefan Kraft Helmut Kraus Gabriele Krause Julia Krewani Andrei Krioukov Lieselotte Krüger Jasmina Krupic Judith Kuhlmann Patricia Lambertus Dio Lau Meike Laudon-Eni Solveig Lausch Mareen Ledebur Andrea Lein Marta Leite Andy Leuenberger Klara Li LichtMal – Zentrum für Freunde der Schwarz-Weiss-Fotografie e.V. Steffi Lindner Robert Ludwig Gudrun Lydike Tilda  Lynander Liz Magno David  Marchi Sanhuez Martina Maruska Maruska Mazza Steffen Matt Hanna Mauermann Hugo Mayer Jörg Meemann Celia Mehnert Annedore Meier Projektraum Meinblau Frauke Menzinger Manfred Michl Regina Mielich Corry Mirski Peter Möller Timo  Moors Matthias Moravek Käte Müller Regina Müller-Huschke Beatrice Naumann Silvia Nettekoven Sybille Neumeyer Marié  Nobematsu-Le Gassic Ines Noor-Chaqroun Mira  O’Brian Timea  Oravec Oliver Orthuber Kári Páll Óskarsson Rudolf  Pappenberger Isabel Pauer Sebastian Paul Bettina Pautz Mirka pawlik Sharon Paz Mady  Piesold Klaus Pincus Susann  Pönisch Mariel Poppe Maria Evrydiki Poulopoulou Nele Probst Torsten Prothmann Birgit Rakette Stine  Rathje Inken Reinert Nina Restle Ilter Rezan Daniel Rödiger Immanuel Rohringer Stefan Roigk Heike Roßfeldt Araz  Rostami Shoshana Ruerup Luna Lucille Rummel Stefania Santarcangelo Saskia Saskia Buwert Stefanie Schairer Jutta Scheiner Alexandra Schlund Sandra Schmidt Ralf Schmitt Ulli Schmitt Simone Schneider Eva Schönfeld Cori Schubert Raimund Schucht Anton Schwarzbach Joachim Seifert Dorothea Seifert Noga Shtainer Carlos Silva Lapo Simeoni Ommert Simone Kiva Smith Adrienna Snochowska Elisabeth Sonneck Beate Spitzmueller Ina Stachat Brigitte Staedler Wanda Stang Henry Stöcker Anne Katrin Stork Julia Storz Anna Lena Straube Abbey Sy Agnieska Tamiola Wei Tan Paola Telesca Anja Teske Sabine Teubner Mbaye KarinTiefensee Beate Tischer Petra Tödter Dorit Trebeljahr Julia Tschaikner Claudia Tyborski Anne Ullrich Maria Vallier Carmen Varese Elena Vlachopoulos  Tanya Von Barnau Sythoff Ella von Berg Wiebke Maria Wachmann Marco Wachsmuth Thomas Weidner Anja Weingärtner Skonieczna Weronika Rita Wesiak Samuel Wiesemann Tom Wolf Cora Wöllenstein Felix Wunderlich Kathrin Wylezol Grazyna Zarebska

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artspring 2018 Studio View Jan Gottschalk – Photo artspring

artspring Festival Opening in and on the Schönhauser Allee Arcaden: Tue, 30.04.2019

artspring dezentral – group exhibitions with works of all participants in the Zeiss-Großplanetarium, duration: May 5th – 26th, opening hours: Tue 09 am – 5 pm, Wed + Thu 09 am – 8 pm, Fri 09 am – 9:30 pm, Sat 1 – 9:30 pm, Sun 11:30 am – 6:30 pm, and in the Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Pankow, from Sun 12.05.2019, exhibition period: May 12th – June 8th, opening hours: Mon + Tue 10 am – 7 pm, Wed 1 – 7 pm, Thu + Fri 10 am – 7 pm, Sat 10 am -1 pm, as well as to the open studios on June 1st and 2nd 12 -8 pm

artspring spots – Guests and Events everywhere in Pankow: from Wed, 01.05.2019

artspring store – Showroom in the Schönhauser Allee Arcaden: from Tue, 30.04.2019, opening hours: Mo – Sa 10 am -8 pm| This year artspring is also pitching its tents in the Schönhauser Allee Arcaden. On the 1st floor there will be an artspring popup store. artspring will establish an action and information office here in May. Colourful variety is guaranteed, as the store is run by female artists. Not only can catalogues and portfolios of the artists involved in artspring be viewed, there is also an extensive accompanying programme with performances, workshops, concerts and discussions. Here you can get first-hand information about the festival programme and receive support in “route planning” to the open studios. The artspring popup store invites you to linger, browse and talk to artists about art and their working conditions in Pankow. A festival newspaper supports the exploration of the district with detailed information on all participating artists.

artspring nale – experimental media art at the K77 cinema: every Friday in May, 10, 17, 23 and 24 May, 19:30 hrs, Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin You can find the artspring nale programme here.

artspring open studios – Friday, 31.05., 6 pm, opening ceremony in the Milchhof, Schwedter Straße 232, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Saturday, 01.06. + Sunday, 02.06.2019.

Admission: free of charge

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artspring 2018 – Studio View – Photo Beate Hoeckner

The complete Programme, location plan of the studios + all artists:

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