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Abends im Verstärker | New Series of Events | Haus Bastian | ab 24.10.2019

Editors’ Choice

The new series of events “Abends im Verstärker” at Haus Bastian, the new centre of the National Museums in Berlin for cultural education, will start on Thursday, October 24th 2019 from 7 pm to 9 pm. With the semi-annual theme “One to One? From Images to Images”, the kick-off event will focus on the question: Do images reflect reality? Admission is free.

Image above: Haus Bastian, Verstärker, © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Valerie Schmidt

Photogenicity – is there such a thing? What does a photograph record, what a painted picture?  What is artistically beautiful? Moderator Jenni Zylka discusses these and other questions with photographer Beate Nelken and painter Daniel Wiesenfeld. The audience is invited to become active themselves; not only word contributions are in demand, but also creative comments. The programme will be accompanied by DJ PicturEsque.

The evening event is the prelude to the amplifier event series “One to One? From pictures to pictures?”. Once a month, Haus Bastian invites various guests to make their views accessible to a wide audience. Directors, scientists, doubles, musicians and artists create varying formats such as talks, readings, workshops, music performances or film clips. Every evening is different.

The Verstärker (amplifier) is the engine of the new education centre. Every six months, the ground floor is used to negotiate topics that transcend collections and are highly visible. On the one hand, the current amplifier theme refers to the exhibition “Nah am Leben. 200 Years of Gipsformerei” in the James Simon Gallery; on the other hand, this theme can be found across the board in all collections of the Museum Island Berlin. The artist Pauline M’barek, who selected objects from the plaster mould shop with a focus on the human body, is the initiator. These are placed in relation to each other in the amplifier and provided with impulse-giving questions and calls to action. The users extend the setting by creating their own casts and impressions. Add or leave comments. Starting points and impulses offers a setting of reference objects and materials, explanatory texts and questions as well as calls for action. You will find links to the collections of the Museum Island Berlin, to their own interests and to their own experiences and bring their points of view into the amplifier.

DEEDS NEWS -Haus-Bastian-Verstaerker-Foto-David-von-Becker-1024x659
Haus Bastian, Verstärker, © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / David von Becker

Haus Bastian – Zentrum für kulturelle Bildung

Haus Bastian is a house for everyone: pupils and students, children and families, young people and adults will not only find an ideal starting point here to swarm out into all 15 collections of the National Museums in Berlin, they will also have the opportunity to post-process, expand and discuss their observations, experiences and questions in a creative form. In addition to major educational projects that will be implemented here in the future, Haus Bastian also offers a forum to negotiate current and forward-looking questions of educational work such as social participation, inclusion or political education. In addition, Haus Bastian should establish itself as a local, national and international meeting place for professionals in the field of museum education.

Further events of the series:

Haben wir alle Doppelgänger? (> Do we all have doubles?)
Thu / 7 – 9 pm / 14.11.2019

Wem gehören die (Ab)Bilder? (> To whom do the pictures belong?)
Thu / 7 – 9 pm / 5.12.2019

Was ist das Zwillingsgeheimnis? (> What’s the twin secret?)
Thu / 7 – 9 pm / 9.1.2020

Mode – Gleichmacherin oder Individualitätsbooster? (> Fashion – leveller or individuality booster?)
Thu / 7 – 9 pm  / 6.2.2020


Haus Bastian, Am Kupfergraben 10, 10117 Berlin-Mitte


COSTS? Participation is free of charge, no registration required.

You can find out more about Haus Bastian on the website of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin or here: www.smb.museum.

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