Image caption: crys cole (Photo: Robert Szkolnicki)
The Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) invites you to the festival “The Sound of Distance” with concerts, sound installations and talks from 21 to 24 October 2021. Evening tickets and festival passes will be available from the HKW from 04.10.2021. Admission to the sound installations is free.
If the HKW were one big instrument – what would it sound like? The four-day festival The Sound of Distance takes this question seriously and seeks answers in the expanded resonance space: in concerts, performances, talks and sonic activations. Indoors and outdoors. In a radius that includes the carillon in the neighbouring bell tower as well as the echo of the surrounding government buildings.

Sound decisively determines the spatial perception of things and events. Sound waves are constantly in motion. The Sound of Distance makes it possible to experience them over different distances. Between guitar drones and cello sounds, sound installations and works by avant-garde composers such as Annea Lockwood and Alvin Lucier, artists will present works, some of which have been specially conceived for the festival. The audience can experience a large part of them in their own individual rhythm, with their own accents and intensities – whether the sounds reach as far as the Bundestag or arise as otoacoustic emissions directly in the inner ear. In this way, The Sound of Distance also sharpens the sense of one’s own location through acoustic perception. For new configurations of human and object, visible and invisible, proximity and distance.

Alvin Lucier, Andrea Belfi, Annea Lockwood, Anthea Caddy, crys cole, David Grubbs, Diana Deutsch, Dirk Rothbrust, Dodo NKishi & Tunde Alibaba, Dynamische Akustische Forschung, Hani Mojtahedy & Andi Toma, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Jan St. Werner, Judith Hamann, Louis Chude-Sokei, Marcin Pietruszewski, Maurice de Martin, Oren Ambarchi, Patricia Reed & J.-P. Caron, Sam Auinger & Katrinem, Sam Dunscombe, Stephen O’Malley, Wibke Deertz, Zwerm.
Curated by Jan St. Werner and HKW
Thursday, 21. October to Sunday, 24. October 2021
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Tel +49 30 397 87 0