The summer holidays are in full swing, but excursions or holidays are not a matter of course for everyone. Especially when it comes to leisure activities, the consequences of tight wallets become clear – and the sharply rising prices exacerbate this. Five years ago, in summer 2017, the Palast launched the #PalastFürAlle (PalaceForEveryone) initiative. With it, Berlin’s most visited stage makes a cultural break possible for all people, including those who fall through the cracks of state transfer payments. Five years of #PalastFürAlle: time for a résumé and a reminder in difficult times. It also allows you to visit the current ARISE Grand Show.
Image above: courtesy of Friedrichstadt-Palast
Since the launch of the #PalastFürAlle solidarity initiative, almost 12,000 guests have taken advantage of the offer to experience the respective productions with discounted tickets for 5 euros. People who receive transfer payments in Berlin can buy tickets for as little as 3 euros with the berlinpass, but these are by no means all people with financial problems.
“More and more people have no money left at the end of the month, including many couples and families in which both are employed and who do not receive social benefits. So they don’t get a Berlin Pass. With our #PalastFürAlle initiative, for the past five years we have also been making it possible for people to take a cultural break from everyday life who would otherwise not be able to visit the Palast for financial reasons,” says artistic director Dr. Berndt Schmidt. “The special thing is that we trust people when they assure us that they could not afford tickets at the regular price. We don’t ask why, and we don’t ask for proof. Maybe some take advantage of that, but I’m convinced that well over 90 per cent are exactly the people we want to do this for as a state theatre.” With regard to the current situation, the artistic director adds, “Especially in these difficult times with rising prices, even more people are slipping into the poverty trap. So we hope that through media and word of mouth they will also learn about this opportunity.”
Interested guests can register at and receive up to four tickets per production at a price of 5 euros each. The Palast informs about selected performance dates every month by e-mail.
Those who want to take advantage of the offer promptly or are still looking for an unusual but affordable activity for the summer holidays can register directly and book a little trip into the world of glamour before the end of August. The second season of the ARISE Grand Show starts on 5 August. To avoid exposing moments, no proof is required at any time, neither at registration nor at admission (except for an identity card to check ticket and guest match). The #PalastFürAlle initiative is based on trust in people and is in line with our attitude of mutual respect – “Respect Each Other”.
Also in 2017, the Palast initiated the #KarteGegenTaten campaign. It is aimed at people who, through no fault of their own, are exposed to verbal or physical hatred, racism, sexism, discrimination, homophobia or anti-Semitism. Since the beginning of the war, more and more refugees from Ukraine and their acquaintances and helpers have taken up the offer to do something good for them and themselves with this little escape from everyday life. All information: