The CSR Contemporary Show Room will host two workshops with Dr. Man Fang from Potsdam on Friday, 8 July 2022. The lecturer, therapist and founder invites you to two consecutive 60-minute sessions in the evening as part of the exhibition ÜBERSCHAU #03 HUMANITY on the topic “Contemplative Experiences: Artistic Expression as a Nonverbal Channel for relating Material and Human.”
Image above: Workshop impressions, courtesy Dr. Man Fang
The first session is about exploring sensations. In the second session, participants have the opportunity to create their own art with the materials provided by the instructor. Participation is free of charge, a donation is welcome.

How do artistic works shape our lives, communication and interaction? This workshop is about establishing a relationship between art and consciousness and non-verbal and verbal forms of expression.

The facilitator leads a short meditation in the middle of the gallery. The gallery is the space where we can see and feel with our sensations. In the meantime, the facilitator creates a relatively safe inner space for us to connect the artistic work with our own feelings, thoughts and values.

Through the process of sharing in the circle, relationships are naturally built between art and people and between people and people.

Friday, 8th July 2022, from 6 pm
Session Nr. 1: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
30 Min break
Session Nr. 2: 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Maximum number of participants: 9 people per session.
Each session lasts 60 minutes.
Faciliator: Dr. Man Fang, Potsdam (Dr. Rer. Pol., M.A. Psychologie, Affliliate Scholar at Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies-Potsdam, Founder and CEO Mandiao Transcultural Consulting Co., Ltd., Founder WorkFaceBerlin – Transkulturelle Unternehmergemeinschaft)
CSR Contemporary Show Room
Friedrichstraße 67, im Quartier 205 (front to the Friedrichstraße)
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Please register via E-Mail: