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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

MKM Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst: FULL HOUSE | 15.07.-09.10.2022

Editors’ Choice

From 15 July 2022, the MKM’s collection will be called “FULL HOUSE”. For in its summer exhibition, the Küppersmühle Museum will present further artists from the Ströher Collection in addition to the permanent collection presentation, thus drawing on a diverse spectrum of artistic productions from the 1960s to the present day. On display are photographs by Thomas Florschuetz, Candida Höfer and Katharina Sieverding, knitting and cooker pictures by Rosemarie Trockel, paintings by Rolf-Gunter Dienst, Jörg Immendorff and Rissa, as well as a spatial installation by sculptor Stephan Balkenhol.

Image above: Installationsansicht MKM MKM Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst. Ausstellung FULL HOUSE foto und (c) David Ertl

Dienst’s painting is quietly intellectual, Rissa’s powerful and geometric, Immendorff’s energetic and full of reminiscences of art history. Civilisation, architecture and nature are the themes of the photographic works by Höfer, Florschuetz and Sieverding, while Balkenhol’s figures and Trockel’s wall works approach man and his social environment in different ways. The path through the rooms opens up surprising perspectives, angles and lines of sight between the works, allowing visitors to experience art anew.

As a supplement to the permanent exhibition of the collection, which focuses on informal and abstract artists of the post-war period, the FULL HOUSE exhibition takes a look at the next generation. What all of the artists presented have in common is that they have retained and further developed their significance for art history to this day: 

“From today’s perspective, the diversity of the art scene, especially from the 1970s to the 1990s, would be inconceivable without the distinctive signature of the artists:inside exhibited here. With FULL HOUSE, we provide an insight into the Ströher Collection – throughout the MKM – and thus also into the iconography of German art after 1945 with an unalterable status,” says MKM Director Walter Smerling.


Friday, 15. July until Sunday, 9. October 2022


Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst

Philosophenweg 55

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