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Saturday, July 27, 2024

OPENNESS IN AN EVER CLOSER WORLD at the Verein Berliner Künstler | 25.03.-16.04.2023

Editors’ Choice

From 25 March 2023, the Galerie im Verein Berliner Künstler will be showing the exhibition OPENNESS IN AN EVER CLOSER WORLD with works by nineteen artists. The exhibition is curated by Stephan Paul Schneider, Professor of Painting and Graphics at the HBK Essen, and the painter Gerard Waskievitz. The vernissage will take place on the evening of Friday, 24 March 2023.

Image above: Gerard Waskievitz, Rosa, Photo: Stephan Paul Schneider

“We have expanded our living space into the seemingly limitless and developed our way of life scientifically, technically, economically and politically as if there were infinite resources and no limits to be accepted by us humans.”

DEEDS NEWS - Jens Kloppmann Das Geschäftsjahr 22-23 - Photo Jens Kloppmann
Jens Kloppmann “The business year 22/23” Photo: Jens Kloppmann

“We are living in the age of the Anthropocene, in which the natural foundations of life are almost without exception humanly overformed, altered and increasingly destroyed. We are slowly – perhaps too slowly – gaining a growing general awareness that we humans are responsible and that our actions and inactions will determine how long we can continue to live on this planet.”

DEEDS NEWS - Nicola Staeglich, Robert Schmidt-Matt, Stephan Paul Schneider - Photo Stephan Paul Schneider
Nicola Staeglich (left), Robert Schmidt-Matt (front), Stephan Paul Schneider (right) Photo: Stephan Paul Schneider

Participating artists:
Silke Bartsch | Becker Schmitz | Catherine Bourdon | Christian Ebel | Marilyn Green | Karsten Kelsch | Jens Kloppmann| Sebastian Kusenberg | David D. Lauer | Ina Lindemann | Michael Otto | Peter Schlangenbader | Robert Schmidt-Matt | Sabine Schneider | Stephan Paul Schneider | Nicola Staeglich | Tim Trantenroth | Gerard Waskievitz | Catrin Wechler

DEEDS NEWS - David D. Lauer und Stephan Paul Schneider - Photo Stephan Paul Schneider
David D. Lauer (left) and Stephan Paul Schneider (right) Photo: Stephan Paul Schneider

Gerard Waskievitz (freelance artist, member of the VBK)
Stephan Paul Schneider (Prof. for Painting at the HBK Essen)

DEEDS NEWS - Ausstellungsansicht - Photo Stephan Paul Schneider
Exhibition view Photo: Stephan Paul Schneider


Opening: Friday, 24.03. 2023, 7 p.m.

Exhibition dates: Saturday, 25.03. until Sunday,16.04.2023

New opening hours of the gallery
Wednesday – Sunday, each 15 – 18 h


Verein Berliner Künstler
Schöneberger Ufer 57
10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

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+++++++++ O P E N C A L L 2024 +++++++++

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