18.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

POLY. A Fluid Show – KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art | 17.09.2023 – 25.02.2024

Editors’ Choice

The exhibition POLY. A Fluid Show brings together works by eleven international artists who work transdisciplinarily, starting with painting. They address “hustling”, mixing and “queering”, which overcomes or dissolves boundaries between countries, genders, age groups, between digital and analogue cultures or even materials.

Fig. above: Na Chainkua Reindorf, Gedu: Awakening, 2023, Acrylgouache, Stoff und Gießmasse auf Tonkarton, © Na Chainkua Reindorf

A non-binary worldview has long since manifested itself in many areas of life, even beyond gender discourses, and thinking about alternatives is becoming more and more natural. Flexibility, multitasking, parallel lives – transitions of all kinds are fluid.

Participating artists: Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, melanie bonajo, Elolo Bosoka, Kerstin Brätsch, Raquel van Haver, Toni Mauersberg, Thomias Radin, Na Chainkua Reindorf, Lorenzo Sandoval, Emma Talbot, Mikey Woodbridge

In the so-called West, we have so far focused on planning our lives to be good at one thing (specialisation), to be one person (individual) and to love one person (monogamy), to refine the optimal form (minimalism), to grow one kind of wheat (monoculture), and so on. A consequence of this is often monotony. The current polycrisis of health, environmental, relational and military crises challenges us to change our skills and lives, to become more diverse and to accept that we need a wider range of love and kinship relationships, ways of living and doing business, and sources of food and income to adapt to changing circumstances. Proposals for diverse and communal multiple solutions have been around for a long time – the artworks in the exhibition POLY. A Fluid Show find a form for this. The exhibition is polymorphic, polyvalent, polyphonic, polyam, polycentric and polytheistic.

In cooperation with Galerie Wedding – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin

The exhibitions Polychrome, Polymorph and Polyharmony will be shown at Galerie Wedding. POLY. A Fluid Show corresponds thematically with Emma Talbot. In the End, the Beginning in the KINDL’s Kesselhaus.

A publication accompanying the exhibition will be published by DISTANZ Verlag in December 2023, edited by Solvej Helweg Ovesen and Kathrin Becker / KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art, with contributions by Kathrin Becker, Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Felicia Ewert, Katerina Gregos and Maxi Wallenhorst, among others.

Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds


KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art
Am Sudhaus 3
12053 Berlin


Sat, 16.09.2023, 18 – 21 Uh

Opening hours
Wed, 12:00 – 20:00
Thu – Sun, 12:00 – 18:00
Sun, 17.09.2023 – Sun, 25.02.2024

Closed: 24.12.23 and 25.12.23
Open: 26.12.23, 31.12.23, 1.1.24


Free entry

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