18.5 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Art Week of the Municipal Galleries Berlin 2024 | 30.08.-08.09.2024

Editors’ Choice

The Kunstwoche der Kommunalen Galerien Berlin opens the Berliner Kunstherbst from August 30 to September 8, 2024. With 400 participating artists and 36 exhibitions in 32 galleries, the art week offers a deep insight into the city’s multifaceted art scene. From painting, photography and graphic art to sculpture, video and sound art, installations, performances and conceptual art, all art genres are represented. The exhibitions deal with themes such as people and nature, architecture, space and urbanity. In addition to nine outstanding exhibition openings, the art week also invites you to a variety of other events: Music enthusiasts can experience performances by musicians who also work as artists, including hackedepicciotto, at the “Sounds”. During the “Tours”, interested parties can visit exhibitions in selected municipal galleries and get an impression of their work. The “Young” program is aimed at children, young people, families, pre-school groups and school classes with workshops in various galleries and districts.

Image above: Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Metakosmia, 2024 © Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani /VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

The exhibition “A dream of singing birds, flying dogs and a lonely wolf” at the Kommunale Galerie Berlin in Charlottenburg deals with the theme of “Man & Nature”. It transports visitors to a dreamlike world and sheds light on the lives of animals in urban spaces. “OF LOVE” at the rk Gallery for Contemporary Art portrays contemporary acts of altruism in society and nature, reflecting on love and care for people and the environment. The exhibition “Unbridled splendor. The perception of bodies through the spectrum of nature” at the Galerie im Körnerpark shows works about the body and its relationship to the natural world, curated by Kate Brehme and Kirstin Broussard from Berlinklusion, who promote inclusion through barrier-free exhibition design.

Architecture, space and urbanity play a role in the monastery ruins in Berlin. In the exhibition “anything, anything”, Kate Newby deals with the permanent change of the monastery ruins with over 900 worked bricks and addresses social dynamics and dependency relationships. The Rathaus-Galerie Reinickendorf is showing “raumwelten”. This exhibition brings together works that depict architecture as a defining element of urban spaces, constructive compositions and an expression of social conditions. In the Gotisches Haus, works by Matthias Stuchtey can be experienced under the title “Encoded Commodities”. He examines and deconstructs everyday materials and used objects to create new architectural structures that open up spaces for reflection.

Prominent names can also be found in the Art Week 2024. “The A.R. Penck Class” at Schloss Biesdorf presents works by A.R. Penck and almost 100 works by his former students, which reflect his vision of uninhibited art-making and depict various forms of resistance. In the Pankow Gallery, the exhibition “Roger Melis | Artist Portraits” shows over 100 original prints by the renowned photographer, which illuminate the intellectual life of the East German cultural scene and include well-known photographs as well as photographs exhibited for the first time, including the portrait series “The Artists of Prenzlauer Berg”. With “Picasso – Works from the Klewan Collection”, the Gutshaus Steglitz presents around 60 works on paper by Pablo Picasso, which illustrate his stylistic diversity and artistic development from the 1910s to the 1970s, including striking themes such as “Artist and Model”, portraits and mythological motifs.

Thomas Ravens: City upon two hills, 2021, Tusche auf Bristol auf Leinwand collagiert, 200 x 470 cm © Thomas Ravens

Numerous exhibitions will open during Kunstwoche 2024. These include “I only work with lost and found – Goldrausch 2024” at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien. On display are individual and heterogeneous works by the 15 scholarship holders of this year’s 34th year of the unique support and professionalization programme, which emphasize unlearning and rediscovery as central actions. In the Haus am Kleistpark, “Be here now. The nominees for the Haus am Kleistpark 2024 Art Prize” will open. The exhibition shows works by the nominees that deal with the perception of and reaction to the immediate subjective present. Galerie Adlershof celebrates the vernissage of “Die Kids sind nicht Alright!”. The group exhibition examines the effects of the fall of the Berlin Wall on the participating artists, who experienced it as children, and reflects on questions of origin, identity, political systems, social values and economic demands.

The supporting program of the Art Week 2024 starts on 31 August with the “Sounds”. Three bands and a DJ, who are also active artists themselves, will provide a day of experimental sounds from 3 pm to 9 pm on the Kulturinsel on Danziger Straße near Galerie Parterre, where the exhibition “Extended Forms and Flowing Bodies” is also on display. The event will feature hackedepicciotto, consisting of Alexander Hacke, founding member and bassist of Einstürzende Neubauten, and Danielle de Picciotto, co-initiator of the Berlin Love Parade and former member of the cult band Crime & The City Solution. The duo moves musically between cinematic drone, industrial, experimental and spoken word and has released seven albums to date. The German-New Zealand duo Jesus Wore Double Denim by singer-songwriter Marie and multi-instrumentalist:in Frae creates a multi-faceted alternative pop sound that combines electronic elements with Marie’s warm voice and catchy melodies. The musical program is rounded off with experimental electronic songs by SET, which create a fantastic soundscape. DJ Paradiso plays electronic sounds with pulsating beats that will make you want to dance.

DJ-Set von Edna Martinez bei den Sounds 2023 vor dem Kunstquartier Bethanien, © Nihad Nino Pusija

The “tours” are another highlight of the supporting program. Four different tours – two by bus, one by subway and one by bike – will take visitors to four to five galleries in different Berlin districts on September 8. The tours start at 2 p.m. and last around five hours. During the tours, participants will gain an insight into the work and wide range of offerings of the municipal galleries. They will be welcomed by gallery directors, curators and/or artists who will present the current exhibitions and explain the main focus of the galleries’ programs.

With “Young”, Art Week 2024 offers children and young people, families, pre-school groups and school classes a very special insight into the process of artistic work. From September 1 to 8, young participants will have the opportunity to take part in various workshops throughout the city. Together with artists and art educators, they will visit the exhibitions and try out various artistic techniques, such as comic drawing, performance, plaster casting, poster design, collage, painting, photography and more.

The detailed program of the Art Week 2024 will be published on the website of the Kommunale Galerien Berlin at www.kgberlin.net from mid-August.


Art Week: Friday, August 30 – Sunday, September 8, 2024
36 exhibitions with the participation of approx. 400 artists in 32 galleries throughout Berlin; artistic genres: Painting, photography, performance, video and sound art, drawing, graphics, sculpture, installation, conceptual art

Exhibition openings

Thursday, August 29, 2024, 7 p.m.
House at Kleistpark
Be here now
The nominees for the Haus am Kleistpark 2024 Art Prize will be exhibiting

Friday, August 30, 2024, 6 – 11 pm
Art space Kreuzberg/Bethanien
I only work with lost and found – Goldrausch 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024, 7 pm
Gallery Adlershof
The kids are not Alright!

Friday, August 30, 2024, 7 pm
Gallery in the Kulturhaus Karlshorst

Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 7 p.m.
Gallery Pankow
Roger Melis – Portraits of artists

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:30 pm
GalerieETAGE at the Museum Reinickendorf
Kinky, painting in juice

Thursday, September 5, 2024, 6 – 9 p.m.
Schwartz Villa
Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani – Metakosmia

Thursday, September 5, 2024, 7 pm
Gallery in the Tempelhof Museum
All cats are gray at night

Friday, September 6, 2024, 6 pm
Kunstbücke am Wildenbruch
Reflect Yourself
Of perspectives and variations

Sounds: Saturday, August 31, 2024, 3 – 9 p.m.
Galerie Parterre / Kulturinsel an der Danziger Straße
Danziger Str. 101
10405 Berlin
Bands: SET, hackedepicciotto, jesus wore double denim
DJ Paradiso

Young: Sunday, September 1 – Sunday, September 8, 2024
Program with workshops in various galleries and districts for children
young people and families as well as pre-school groups and school classes

Tours 2024: Sunday, September 8, 2024, from 2 pm
Two bus tours, one subway tour and one bicycle tour will each take you to six to seven galleries in several districts. The tours start at 2 pm and last around five hours. During the tours you will get to know the work of Berlin’s 37 municipal galleries. Gallery directors, curators and/or artists will welcome you on site, present the current exhibitions and introduce you to the galleries’ main programs.

Participation is free of charge.

The tours are partially barrier-free. We endeavor to cater to different needs and concerns and are happy to receive information accordingly. Please contact us at mail@kgberlin.net or by telephone on 0179 1272 790.

For further information and registration (via confirmation email) please contact us by
1.9.2024 at: mail@kgberlin.net

Bus tour 1
Mitte > Lichtenberg > Marzahn-Hellersdorf> Treptow-Köpenick > Neukölln

  1. Bärenzwinger (Mitte)
  2. rk–Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst (Lichtenberg)
  3. Galerie 100 (Lichtenberg)
  4. Schloss Biesdorf (Marzahn-Hellersdorf)
  5. Galerie Adlershof (Treptow-Köpenick)
  6. Galerie im Körnerpark (Neukölln)

Moderation: Vanessa Göppner, Janine Pauleck

Bus tour 2
Mitte > Pankow > Reinickendorf > Mitte > Steglitz-Zehlendorf > Neukölln

  1. Bärenzwinger (Mitte)
  2. Galerie Pankow
  3. GalerieETAGE im Museum Reinickendorf
  4. Galerie Wedding – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
  5. Schwartzsche Villa (Steglitz-Zehlendorf)
  6. Galerie im Körnerpark (Neukölln)

Moderation: Max Lübke, Dr. Christine Nippe

Spandau > Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf > Tempelhof-Schöneberg > Neukölln

  1. Galerie Historischer Keller (Spandau)
  2. Gotisches Haus (Spandau)
  3. Galerie Kulturhaus (Spandau)
  4. Kommunale Galerie Berlin (Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf)
  5. Haus am Kleistpark (Tempelhof-Schöneberg)
  6. Haus am Kleistpark I Projektraum
  7. Galerie im Körnerpark (Neukölln)

Moderation: Diana Thun, Norbert Wiesneth

Bike tour
Mitte <> Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg > Neukölln

  1. Kunst Raum Mitte (Mitte)
  2. Galerie im Turm (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
  3. projektraum alte feuerwache (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
  4. Klosterruine Berlin (Mitte)
  5. Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
  6. Galerie im Körnerpark (Neukölln)

Moderation: Alin Daghestani, Lina Kröger

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