SCOTTY presents the Campus Novels exhibition and shows from four artistic perspectives how teaching, learning and research are integrated into everyday university life and what tensions, ruptures and taboo-breaking can occur in teaching and research. The exhibition can be seen from September 7 to October 12, 2024.
Image above: © Christina Zück, Overworked art school professors and tired students with too many tasks, 2024
“(…) before accepting, I would like to discuss the confidential handling of the material. In ethnology, field research always involves adhering to ethical standards – what would these be in the art project?”
(Anonymous, from a diary from everyday university life)
The film Time Passes (2015) by Ane Hjort Guttu tells the often personally motivated and complex artistic work process using the example of a fictitious student project at a Scandinavian art academy: 23-year-old Damla realizes a performance project for which she begs on the street together with the Romni Bianca and develops a friendship with her in the process.
Sigrun Drapatz investigates which methods of knowledge transfer are used by teachers in practice and what form the various teaching methods can take. For Tagebuch aus dem Uni-Alltag (2013), she recorded the day-to-day work of professors from various disciplines at Kiel University. Drawings of teaching situations complement the recorded protocols.
In the video work Reading out loud (2021) by Juliane Zelwies, a group of international artists are confronted with the criticism of a colleague at a symposium. In five fictitious lectures, Juliane Zelwies discusses aspects of the artistic research process and how it led to the creation of the video work. The artist reveals her working methods and tools, which are essential for transparent research.
Christina Zück uses an AI image generator to generate digital images from the cosmos of art studies. The visual language generated by the artificial intelligence does not open up any creative innovations, but instead proves to be just as counterproductive as the bureaucratic hurdles, neoliberal requirements and standards in the education system to which students and teachers are exposed. Meanwhile, visual disturbances and artifacts that arise by chance in the digital images develop a potential for resistance.
Exhibition curated by Sigrun Drapatz, Ane Hjort Guttu, Juliane Zelwies, Christina Zück.
Opening: Friday, September 6, 2024, 7:00 pm
Exhibition dates: Saturday, September 7 – Saturday, October 12, 2024
Opening hours: Friday, 3 – 7 p.m., Saturday, 2 – 6 p.m.
Oranienstrasse 46
10969 Berlin