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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Culterim Gallery presents the group exhibition Dear diary, … | 01.09.-04.09.2022

Editors’ Choice

Culterim Gallery invites exhibition Dear Diary to the former air-raid shelter on Kaiserdamm. Dear diary, … curated by Julie Legouez opens on 01.09.2022 and sets an example for female creators of art and culture.

Image above: Jana Jedermann on 11.06.2022 Photo: Jana Jedermann

Participating artists

Miriam Beichert, Marthe Howitz, Jana Jedermann, Karo Kuchar, Julie Legouez, Marion Raidt, Evelina Reiter, Anica Seidel, Miray Seramet, Ruth Unger and Marta Vovk

“Dear Diary,

As a child, I hardly had any female-read role models. Not for life and certainly not for art. I knew Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. “Picasso, that genius”, I heard over and over again. Mostly artists hung and still hang in museums. At school we only talked about artists. Expressionist artists, Impressionist artists, blah blah blah, genius this, genius that. The male generic in this case did not include women*.

It sucked – and it still sucks!

DEEEDS NEWS - Julie Legouez 01 05 2022
Julie Legouez am 01.05.2022 Foto: Julie Legouez

Six of the invited artists* live in Berlin, the others I discovered online and invited because I admire their work. Many of the works shown here were created especially for this exhibition, which thematically deals with the everyday, whether through material or content. With this exhibition, I want to create a new network and ally myself, to show and promote exchange between women artists*.

That’s why I’m writing it down here, dear diary. And so that I always remember:

Women*, unite!

Yours, Julie”


Vernissage: Thursday 01.09.2022, 05:00 p.m. – 08:00 p.m.

Exhibition dates: 01.09.2022 until 04.09.2022

Opening hours
01.09. 05:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
02.09. 05:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
03.09. 02:00 p.m.-07:00 p.m.
04.09. 02:00 p.m.-07:00 p.m.


Entrance free


Kaiserdamm 102, 14057 Berlin-Charlottenburg

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