Special exhibitions: “Hannah Höch Prize 2022 & hannah Höch Sponsorship Prize 2022” | Kupferstichkabinett
The Kupferstichkabinett invites you to a press tour of the special exhibitions “Hannah Höch Prize 2022: Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt” and “Hannah Höch Sponsorship Prize 2022: Farkhondeh Shahroudi” on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 11 am. Image caption: Farkhondeh Shahroudi, aus der Reihe / from the series: Glossolalie / Glossolalia, 2008 bis heute / 2008-present, Buch, Filzstift auf Papier / Book, felt pen on paper, Foto: Piotr Pietrus, © Courtesy of the artist.