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Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Editors’ Choice

Streets full of colour, recycled materials, dance, music, art and humour all in defence of the environment The Carnival for the Future is getting closer and this Saturday (24.09.2022) is already the day. ATTENTION: The police have overlooked more barriers on the route and the organiser has to change the route at short notice for safety reasons. This year, the parade will start at the Neukölln Town Hall and end at Spreewaldplatz (see route below).

image above: Photo Tina Eichner

Preparations have been underway since the beginning of the month in creative workshops, project days in various schools in Neukölln, and recycling workshops in cooperation with the Carnival of Cultures. Co-organiser Claire Chaulet promises: “This time we will march even wilder and louder through the streets for our planet!” More than twenty social and cultural organisations from Berlin will be performing for the second time to draw attention to the state of our planet.

“Our carnival is an action of subversive collective presence in public space. With our lively appearance in the streets, we want to put pressure on decision-makers to take more radical measures against the looming climate catastrophe and to find ways out of the ideology of constant growth and blind consumption,” says Claire Chaulet.

The procession this year will run from Neukölln Town Hall, via Hermannplatz, to Kottbusser Tor, and end at Oranienplatz-see below for changes! Rallies and performance will take place along the route. Along the way, ideas on economic and ecological growth in the climate crisis will be shared, accompanied by giant puppets, acrobats, dance and live music.

New route

14-14:15 Meeting at the fountain in front of Neukölln City Hall.
14:15-14:45 Opening speech by Dani and Patzi + dance performance by CollapsetoFraction.
14:45-15:45 Procession via Karl-Marx-Straße and Reuterstraße to Pannierstraße
15:45-16:30 Stop Brücke Pannierstraße: Climate Monologues + speech by Cleo about ecological change processes + music by Nature is Music
16:30-17:15 Procession via Glogauers Straße and Wiener Straße to Spreewaldplatz.
17:15-18:00 Spoken words by Jemima and Melissa + Speech by Klimaneustart + Carnival for the Future Manifesto

Below you will find more info on the preparatory workshops for Carnival for the Future as well as the Soli Party on Friday 2 September 2022, 9 p.m. at Artistania Atelier.

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Photo: Tina Eichner

WORKSHOP Large Puppet Making
Dates group 1:
14.09 +15.09 from 6 to 10 p.m.
Dates group 2: 17.09 + 18.09 from 2 to 6 p.m.
Location: Artistania studio, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin
“We want to create a giant living doll made from recycled materials. In the workshops, participants will learn to build the basic structure for a large puppet and work with environmentally friendly and recycled materials such as willow rods, papier-mâché or old clothes and bicycle inner tubes.”

Samba Workshops with Lola Lustosa
30.8. + 6.9. + 13.9. + 20.09.22 from 8 to 10 p.m.
Location: Artistania Atelier, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin_
“Warm-up for the carnival for the future! At the 4 Tuesdays before Carnival we invite you to discover the art of Samba No Pé with Lola! No previous knowledge required.”

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Photo: Tina Eichner

Physical Theatre and Mask Theatre Workshop
13.09. + 14.09. + 15.09. +16.09. from 7 to 9 p.m.
Location: Artistania Atelier, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin
“In these workshops we want to open a space where we develop scenes together with physical theatre and huge masks for subversive rituals, pop-up actions and performative creative activism. Amateurs and professionals can experiment here, try out different exercises and give each other feedback. This workshop will help participants to develop effective presence, characters and visibility for the carnival in the future.”

Future music (for children and young people) with Fiona
10-11.09. and 17-18.09. from 2 to 6 p.m.
Location: Artistania Atelier, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin
“We make electronic music with self-produced electricity in these workshops! Come along and join in!”

DEEDS NEWS -Photo-Patrcia Morosan
Photo: Patrcia Morosan

Workshop costumes and mask making from recycled materials with Eva
3.9. from 2 to 6 pm
Location: Mainzer Straße, Kiezfest
“Young and old are invited to join us in creating recycled creatures for the carnival for the future. We want to set a sign for biodiversity and celebrate and defend diversity on earth.
Bring broken umbrellas, broken tights, old newspapers or whatever is lying around in your cellar: from these we will create new creatures that will come to life during the parade.”

Artistania e.V. is a non-profit association that has been active in Berlin for 9 years. Its aim is to promote artistic projects between people from different cultural and social backgrounds in order to counteract hostility and xenophobia. Artistania provides the space for this as well as creative, technical and ideational support and helps to make these projects known to the public.

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Photo: Tina Eichner

see above


Carneval: Parade: starts at Rathaus Neukölln and ends at Spreewaldplatz (see above)

Initiator: Artistania Atelier, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin-Neukölln

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