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Friday, September 20, 2024

Von Feigenblättern und falschen Idealen. New episode of the Klub Koralle podcast from the Staatlichen Kunstsammlung Dresden

Editors’ Choice

In the new episode “Of fig leaves and false ideals” of “Klub Koralle”, the podcast of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD), Claudia Kryza-Gersch and Saralisa Volm talk about ideals of beauty and how they change over time.

Image above: “Von Feigenblättern und falschen Idealen”, Klub Koralle podcast, Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Young, flawless, athletic, perfect proportions: Idealised images, especially of female bodies, conveyed by the media shape our self-perception and make women in particular feel uncomfortable when they look in the mirror. But where did these ideals of beauty originate? How far back do they go and what does a journey through art history teach us?

Giorgione/Tizian, Schlummernde Venus, um 1508/10, © Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Estel/Klut

In the third episode of the podcast “Klub Koralle” of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Claudia Kryza-Gersch, curator of Renaissance and Baroque sculpture at the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, and Saralisa Volm, actress, film producer, director, curator and author of the book “Das ewige Ungenügend”, talk about Titian, Rubens, Giorgione, about selfies, self-empowerment and “body neutrality”, about the big question of why we still see ourselves as unfinished – and what this has to do with the age of antiquity. As always, the “Klub Koralle” podcast is also a short foray through the SKD collections.

The podcast will be hosted by Holger Liebs, Head of Media and Communication at SKD.

Episodes of “Klub Koralle” can be heard at  https://www.skd.museum/klub-koralle.

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