PING PONG is an exhibition project by 11 artists in the project spaces of Flutgraben e.V. A metaphorical table tennis tournament serves as the starting point for a playful exchange with the aim of artistic production. The exhibits range from painting, drawing and object art to sound and video works. In addition, a table tennis table invites visitors to playfully participate in the collective exchange of blows.
Fig. above: © Renata Müller-Tiburtius
In times of war, energy and climate crises, solidarity plays a special role. We believe that all these complex problems can only be solved collectively. The ping pong table is understood as a social place of exchange and the constant back and forth immanent to ping pong as a catalyst for creative work and passionate (art) production.

At the start of the game, each player received a photograph of another team member on the theme of ping pong, which they then reacted to artistically. The artists chose the medium themselves. In the later course of the “table tennis tournament”, the team went into exchange again to reflect on and weave in the insights that had arisen. The results of this process are shown in the exhibition at Flutgraben e.V. on an area of 240 m2 in Berlin.
Flutgraben e.V.
Am Flutgraben 3
12435 Berlin
Sa, 01. April, 3:00 – 8:00 pm
So, 02. April, 3:00 – 8:00 pm