P61 Gallery presents its latest exhibition entitled “Human Lab” at Potsdamer Straße from 11 January 2024. Using AI, 3D, digital art, lectures and installations, the exhibition takes a look at the challenges and questions that arise in a world in which the boundaries between humans and technology are becoming increasingly blurred.
Image above: Human Lab, courtesy of P61 Gallery
Numerous questions are at the centre of the artistic exploration of “Human Lab”: Where do we stand as a society when technological advances are already one step ahead of us? How does the artificial intelligence we have created influence our self-image? How can we keep up with the intelligence that we create ourselves? Which nevertheless seems to be smarter than us. The exhibition explores the extent to which we can outgrow ourselves physically and mentally in order to keep pace with technological developments and continue to evolve as a result.
With over 60 HD and 4K screens and the latest technologies such as holograms, Cymatic and CymaScope, P61 Gallery strives to create an immersive and multi-sensory art experience on two floors. The programme, developed in collaboration with curators, artists and experts, is an innovative tool that aims to raise people’s awareness through an art exhibition and create a profound context through knowledge and art. The aim of the exhibition project is to question today’s reality and the human self and to reflect on whether we can (not) achieve more.
Topics such as Superhuman, Human 4.0, brain tuning, frequencies, human-computer interaction and 3D modelling are highlighted in “Human Lab”. It becomes clear that some people are already acting unconsciously in these areas, while others are proactively striving for new possibilities.
Participating artists & experts
Johanna Jowska
Future Familiar
Robert Dietz
Alex Rybin
Moises Sanabria & Fabiola
Linus Vogt
Yassin Myh
Coach Serdi
Stable Audio
Cedric Dekowski
Robert Seidel
Robert Steiman
Marius Jopen
Sucuk & Bratwurst
Meryem Poslu
Yalu Moreta
Wiktoria Hyll
Berlin Meditation
Lucas Gutierrez
Adele Marx
Sebastian Zimmerhackl
Terra Media
Mümün Keser
Joachim Aufmwasser
Malik Arbab
Jonas Koroschetz
Prof. Dr. Duckjoo Lee
Monika Müller
Ümüt Yildiz
Tiago Marinho
Arian Leonidas
Timo Schichtel
Jumoke Fernandez
Further information on the participants.
The exhibition is an invitation to reflect on the evolution of mankind in a world characterised by technology and innovation. Visitors are encouraged to think about how far the development of the living human being can still progress. Is there a higher level that can be reached? Is there a lack of knowledge about ourselves, or have we not yet incorporated all our senses into a perfection that enables the next step of the human being?
“Human Lab” offers a neutral space for exploring these questions and an opportunity to understand current and future developments in the field of human-technology interaction. Visitors can engage in an objective discussion of the potential and challenges that the future holds in this exciting field of research.
from Thursday, 11th January 2024
to the current opening hours
P61 Gallery
Potsdamer Str. 61
10785 Berlin-Tiergarten
Learn more