Under the title BETWEEN BALI AND BAUHAUS the Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery in Berlin invites you to an artist talk about light and colours with the Indonesian-British artist Sinta Tantra and the journalist Kai Kupferschmidt on May 23rd 2019. Afterwards an Indonesian BBQ will take place. The artist Sinta Tantra is currently showing her works in the gallery, together with works by the artist André Hemer.
Image above: Sinta Tantra, A Farewell Midnight Kiss, Tempera on linen, 160 x 130 cm, 2019.
How can the influence of light transform our perspectives or even objects themselves? This question unites the complex and multi-layered artistic paths of Sinta Tantra and André Hemer. For their first joint exhibition at the Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery Berlin, the artists present different works that explore the fluctuating relationships between space, time and materiality. Under the title „Woven and Illuminated“, the exhibition brings together a collection of artworks that interweave different dimensions and invite the viewer on an intimate journey into creative processes.
For the Gallery Weekend 2019 Sinta Tantra designed the wall of the backyard of the gallery with a work of art. This wall can also be visited during the artist talk and frames the event in a special way.

Thursday, May 23rd 2019, 6:30 pm
Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery
Linienstraße 130 (im 2. Hinterhof)
10115 Berlin
RSVP: due to limited seating, please register until Thursday noon: info@kristinhjellegjerde.com