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RUNDFUNK AETERNA X | World premiere of the radio opera by Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag | 01.02.2019

Editors’ Choice

The radio opera RUNDFUNK AETERNA X by Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag will be premiered on February 1st 2019 as an installation at the Academy of Arts (Hanseatenweg) and marks the start of the new audio art series “Anhörung!”. Further events will take place until June 2019.

Image above: Academy of Arts (Hanseatenweg) – Photo: Timo Ohler

The Academy of Arts presents the symphonic spatial recomposition of the radio opera RUNDFUNK AETERNA X by Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag. The Berlin-based artist, composer and theorist combines visual art, new music and media aesthetics in his mostly installative works.

In his current work at the Academy, Sonntag pursues the artistic and political visions of the first new (mass) medium “radio” from Berlin in the early 1930s – from Arnhem, Benjamin, Brecht to Stockhausen, Cage, Heidegger and Kittler. The work was broadcast worldwide in 2017 as part of documenta 14. Now the audience is invited to walk through a multidimensional listening space.

The title of the installation refers to the history of analogue radio, as it was the high-frequency technician Hans Bredow who established the term radio in a speech in 1921. According to the artist, radio and sound in new and experimental music have the same roots. The radio stations paved the way for the avant-garde of the post-war period, and the radio apparatus and studio became part of the compositions. The title also includes the piece Lux aeterna by György Ligeti from 1966 for sixteen-part mixed choir. For the installation in the Academy, the entire sound system, consisting of a grid of 16 acoustic omnidirectional radiators, a diffraction horn, two spherical-wave horn loudspeakers, a transistor radio, antennas for extremely long waves, and instrumental soloists, was newly developed to make the sound physically tangible.

RUNDFUNK AETERNA X is a production by N-solab, supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds. Its premiere as a media-archaeological installation will take place at the Akademie der Künste in collaboration with the CTM and transmediale 2019. The installation is based on a studio production commissioned by documenta 14 and supported by Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

The new series of events “Hearing!” of the Akademie der Künste provides an opportunity to rehearse and discuss some exemplary audio art pieces, to explore archives, to explore border areas and to try out forums for the public. After the opening at the beginning of February, the series will continue with radio plays by Heiner Müller / Heiner Goebbels, Inge Müller, Kathrin Röggla and Hermann Bohlen as well as the opening of the Hermann Naber Archive until 2 June 2019.

Event details
RUNDFUNK AETERNA X – Eine Radiooper von Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag


Installation from February 1st to 7th 2019
Friday and Saturday 11 am – 10 pm, Sunday to Thursday 11 am – 7 pm,

Admission free

Opening on Friday, February 1st 2019, 7 pm
Welcome Johannes Odenthal, Converting concert with Lars Gühlcke (sonD-Bass), Michael Vorfeld (DIYstring instruments), Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag (Audion Feedback Radio System)

Artist Talk on Saturday, February 2nd 2019, 6 pm
about opera, immersion & radio utopias
With Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Wolfgang Hagen, Presentation: Detlev Schneider


Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin-Tiergarten

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